
Cubit: The Hardcore Platformer Robot

By meeting arbitrary conditions within the game, you will achieve the accolades designated in the Challenges menu.
How to Unlock
A trip to the sky
Reach level 3
A walk in the forest
Reach level 2
An epic secret
Find the secret item
An unexpected twist
Unlock Sparky Child
Books also exist
Play the game for more than five cumulative hours
Can I play with ... time?
Unlock Chronos Twins' Nec
Crazy jumper
Jump more than 12,345 times
Golden Cubit Invocator
Collect every "impossible" item
Guru of the equilibrium
Finish level 5
Hardcore Lord
Complete every one of the other 23 Challenges
Highly extroverted
Crash into enemies more than 250 times
I love zig-zags
Reach level 5
Lord of the skies
Finish the final level
Master of the (hard)core
Finish level 4
My first date
Unlock the Cubit Girl
My first star
Collect your first "impossible" item
No longer a rookie
Achieve a high score greater than 500,000 points
Reaching the core
Reach level 4
Running through the sky
Reach level 6
Play more than 1,500 games
The closer
Finish every level
The living dead
Die more than 1,000 times
The void explorer
Fall into the void more than 250 times
Thief of the sky
Pick up a star 3 times in a single game

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