
Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millenium Girl

How to Unlock
Azure Rainforest
Reach B11F in the Labyrinth
Beginning Hunter
Log some of the monsters found in the Labyrinth
Beginning Surveyor
Complete one floor map of the Labyrinth
Cache Hoarder
Open up all of the chests in the Labyrinth
Cache Novice
Open up some of the chests in the Labyrinth
Cache Seeker
Open up half of the chests in the Labyrinth
Claret Hollows
Reach B26F in the Labyrinth
Classic Mode Complete
Complet the game in Classic Mode
Devoted Scavenger
Log half of the materials found in the Labyrinth
Dogged Killer
Kill many of the shiny "rare" breeds of monster
Etria's Guide
Complete half of the floor maps in the Labyrinth
Etrian Fixer
Complete half of the quests from the pub
Etrian Gofer
Complete some of the quests from the pub
Lost Shinjuku
Reach B21F in the Labyrinth
Lustre Chaser
Kill 100 of the shiny "rare" breeds of monster
Novice Scavenger
Log some of the materials found in the Labyrinth
Primitive Jungle
Reach B6F in the Labyrinth
Quest Complete
Complete all of the quests from the pub
Rare Breed Killer
Kill one of the shiny "rare" breeds of monster
Sandy Barrens
Reach B16F in the Labyrinth
Seven Kings' Grimoires
Complete the ultimate Grimoire Stone
Story Mode Complete
Finish the game in Story Mode
Veteran Hunter
Log half of the monsters found in the Labyrinth
Yggdrasil Core Destroyed
Beat the Yggdrasil Core in the post-game (which is without the Yggdra Virus and Kupala) on Expert
Yggdrasil's Artisan
Complete all of the floor maps in the Labyrinth
Yggdrasil's Bounty
Log all of the materials found in the Labyrinth
Yggdrasil's Hunter
Log all of the monsters found in the Labyrinth

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