
Mario Tennis Open

Star Characters
Completing the Champions Cup of the World Open gives the character you played as a star, enhancing their abilities.
Star Character
Beat the Champions Cup as a given character
Unlockable Characters
Baby Mario
Complete 1-3 in the Super Mario Tennis Special Game.
Baby Peach
Complete the Pro Rings level of the Ring Shot Special Game.
Dry Bowser
Complete the Inksplosion level of the Ink Showdown Special Game.
Complete the Superstar level of the Galaxy Rally Special Game.
Unlockable Costumes
Fire Mario
Turn 2 characters into star characters.
Unlockable Courts
Galaxy Arena Crystal Court
Complete the Final Cup in the Star Open tournaments.
Galaxy Arena Morph Court
Complete the Final Cup in the Star Open tournaments.
Unlockable CPU difficulties
For use in Exhibition mode.
Ace difficulty
Beat the Final Cup tournament.
Pro difficulty
Beat the Champions Cup tournament.
Unlockable Tournaments
1-Up Mushroom Cup
Beat all four cups of the World Open.
Banana Cup
Beat the Flower Cup tournament.
Champions Cup
Beat the Banana Cup tournament.
Final Cup
Beat the Shell Cup tournament.
Flower Cup
Beat the Mushroom Cup tournament.
Ice Flower Cup
Beat the 1-Up Mushroom Cup tournament.
Shell Cup
Beat the Ice Flower Cup tournament.

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