Accomplish certain missions to unlock new characters, as well as outfits.
Chris, outfit 1 (Snow)
Clear episode 1-3 in the main game
Chris, outfit 2 (Ship)
Reach player level 30
Jessica, outfit 1 (Snow)
Reach player level 10
Jessica, outfit 2 (Ship)
Clear every stage on Trench difficulty
Jessica, outfit 3 (Terragrigia)
Reach player level 40
Jill, outfit 1 (Ship)
Clear episode 1-3 in the main game
Jill, outfit 2 (Beach)
Clear the first Raid stage
Keith, outfit 1 (Snow)
Clear episode 4-6 in the main game
Keith, outfit 2 (HQ)
Clear 50 missions
Find the real exit on stage 21
Obtain all rare weapons
Clear every stage on Abyss difficulty
Parker, outfit 1 (Ship)
Clear episode 1-3 in the main game
Parker, outfit 2 (Beach)
Reach player level 20
Parker, outfit 3 (Terragrigia)
Obtain one rare weapon
Quint, outfit 1 (Snow)
Clear 100 missions
Quint, outfit 2 (HQ)
Reach player level 50
Clear every stage on Chasm difficulty
Raid Mode Colours
Complete every stage on one difficulty of Raid Mode with an S rank to change the colour of your name. The 21st stage is not required.
Blue name
S rank on every level of Trench difficulty
Green name
S rank on every level of Chasm difficulty
Pink name
S rank on every level of Abyss difficulty
Raid Mode Difficulties
In Raid Mode, you can unlock extra difficulties for the stages by completing objectives in Raid Mode.
Complete all Raid Mode stages on Chasm Difficulty
Trench Difficulty
Complete all Raid Mode stages on Trench Difficulty
Abyss Difficulty
Raid Mode Stages
While playing the campaign for Resident Evil Revelations, you'll unlock stages for the game's bonus Raid Mode. These stages are obtained by reaching points in the main story.
Raid Mode Bonus Stage 21
Clear the game
Raid Mode Stages 1-7
Clear Episodes 1-3
Raid Mode Stages 13-17
Clear Episodes 7-9
Raid Mode Stages 18-20
Clear episodes 10-12
Raid Mode Stages 8-12
Clear Episodes 4-6
Hell Difficulty
Complete the game once on normal
Hydra Shotgun
Complete the game on Normal difficulty or higher
Infinite Rocket Launcher
Complete the Game on Hell difficulty
New Game+
Complete the game once on any difficulty.
Free Herb in Raid Mode
Upon completing a stage in Raid Mode, the BSAA emblem will appear. Use a fully charged melee attack on it to obtain a herb.
Free herb
Smash the BSAA emblem at the end of a stage in Raid Mode with a fully charged melee attack.
Custom Parts AutoLoader
Complete any difficulty without using herbs.
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