
Tales of the Abyss

Game Unlockables
Game Record
Available at the title screen after beating the game
Grade Shop
Save a clear file after beating the game, and you will be able to start your new game+ file with the grade shop with your cleared file.
Sound Test
Available at the title screen after beating the game
Unknown Mode
Beat the game once
Very Hard Mode
Beat the game once
The Abyss Replica Facility
The Abyss Replica Facility is a secret dungeon that can only be unlocked when you are playing on your second playthrough. To gain access, you need to have saved Shiba and completed the Ortion Cavern(East) side quest. Go to Sheridan and talk to the two men in the northwest part of town, then Shiba, and you will at last be taken to the dungeon.
The Abyss Replica Facility
Beat the game once
The Secret Shop, Brillante
In order to unlock this secret shop, you must have completely filled out the collector's book in the game(which requires two playthroughs) Once completed, speak to the man dressed in purple at the library in the Daath church to receive Jade's "Item Collector" Title. Speak to the man again with the title equipped and the shop will appear near the inn in Grand Chokmah.
Secret Shop(Brillante)
Complete the Collector's Book

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