
Age of Empires: Mythologies


Asgardian:                    Create one of every Norse Myth unit

Berserker:                    Complete the Norse Campaign missions on hard

Blessed of Asgard:            Win a multiplayer or skirmish game 
                              with each Norse core hero

Blessed of Egypt:             Win a multiplayer or skirmish game 
                              with each Egyptian core Hero

Blessed of Olympus:           Win a multiplayer or skirmish game 
                              with each Greek core her

Cartographer:                 Win a 4 player game 
                              with the whole map explored

Cryptozoologist:              Create one of every Myth unit

Demigod:                      Complete the Greeek Campaign missions on hard

Devout:                       Win 10 games by Temple control

Don't Open the box!:          Win or lose a game where Pandora's box 
                              appears, but is not claimed

Egyptian Conquerer:           Complete the Egyptan Campaign

Egyptologist:                 Create one of every Egyptian myth unit

Greek Conquerer:              Complete the Greek Campaign

Greek Studies:                Create one of every Greek Myth unit

Hero:                         Win 5 multiplayer Skirmish games 
                              with each culture

High Priest:                  Use each Major and Minor god at least once 
                              in a multiplayer skirmish game

High Warlord:                 Win a multiplayer or skirmish game 
                              with each core hero

Huskari:                      Win 5 multiplayer Skirmish games as the Norse

Khepesh:                      Win 5 multiplayer Skirmish games 
                              as the Egyptians

Kingslayer:                   Kill an enemy hero three times 
                              in the same multiplayer or skirmish game

Myrmidon:                     Win 5 multiplayer Skirmish games 
                              as the Greeks

Norse Conquerer:              Complete the Norse Campaign

Opened the box:               Win or lose a game 
                              while controlling Pandora's box

Pacifist:                     Win a game without attacking any enemy units

Pharoh:                       Complete the Egyptian campaign on hard

Play 1 game on Wi-Fi:         Pay 1 game on Wi-Fi

Sacraficial Lamb:             Attack an enemy unit or building 
                              with an Egyptian Villager or Greek Architect

Spelunker:                    Complete all Underworld scenarios

Studious:                     Complete the Tutorial Campaaign

Tourist:                      Complete all Egyptian scenarios

Vacationer:                   Complete all Greek scenarios

Wanderer:                     Complete all Norse scenarios

Warlord:                      Win 10 games by Conquest

Unlockable Heroes
     Do the following to unlock them for purchase:

Ladon the Lamia:              Beat the Greek campaign.

Setekh:                       Beat the Egyptian campaign.

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