
Art Style: Zengage

Unlock Bonus Images
After completing certain tasks within a single theme's puzzles, a small image will appear (not necessarily related to the actual theme) on the top DS screen when accessing a level that has already been solved, or when solving a new puzzle in that theme for the first time.
Bonus Image 1
Solve any 5 puzzles in a single theme.
Bonus Image 2
Solve all 9 puzzles in a single theme in under the "average" number of moves.
Unlock New Themes
Solve any 5 puzzles under a specific theme to unlock the next set of 9 puzzles.
Solve 5 puzzles in SOMNI.
Solve 5 puzzles in FALL.
Solve 5 puzzles in FUJI.
Solve 5 puzzles in RIVER.
Solve 5 puzzles in FOREST.
Solve 5 puzzles in MOTHER.
Solve 5 puzzles in ATOM.
Solve every puzzle in every previously unlocked theme.
Solve 5 puzzles in SKY.
Solve 5 puzzles in GLOOM.
Solve 5 puzzles in UNIVERSE.
Solve 5 puzzles in SHINE.
Unlock Staff Credits
Complete the following tasks to unlock different ending sequences, which can be accessed at any time from the title screen.
Solve at least 5 puzzles in every theme from SKY through UNIVERSE.
Solve at least 5 puzzles in the themes SOMNI and ASTRAL.
Solve every puzzle in every theme in under the "average" number of moves.

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Страница: Читы на Art Style: Zengage для Nintendo DS

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