
Elebits: The Adventures of Kai and Zero

How to unlock Big Red Bonus Omega
     From  the  main  menu,  choose  your file, press start tehn click
"extra". Choose "Download additional Omegas" and then "Download data".
On this screen, press these keys in the following order:

[B], [Y], [UP], [L BUTTON], [RIGHT], [R BUTTON], [DOWN], [LEFT], [X], [A]: 
     It's  added  as  soon as you enter the code, just get in the game
and it will be there.

Unlock Bonus Omega

Big Green Omega:    Evolve all Omegas into their master forms, 
                    save on the bus then reload the game.

Dewy Omega:         Obtain all Omegas gotten through traditional ways, 
                    save on the bus then reload the game.

Moai Omega:         Load 10000 watts into the capture gun, 
                    save on the bus then reload the game.

Mobius Omega:       Complete the game.

Night Omega:        Obtain all seven diary scarpt then head 
                    to the Sea Tample and talk to Misha.

Penta Omega:        Load 5000 watts into the capture gun, 
                    save on the bus then reload the game.

Takosuke Omega:     Load 2500 watts into the capture gun, 
                    save on the bus then reload the game.

Twinbee Omega:      Load 7500 watts into the capture gun, 
                    save on the bus then reload the game.

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