
Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns

Animals that is not available at the start of the game.
Unlocked in year 2 Fall.
Jersey Cow/Calf
Unlocked in Year 2.
Unlocked after the 1st tunnel upgrade.
Shetland Horse
Unlocked after you complete the three tunnel upgrades.
Silkie Chicken/Chick
Unlocked in year 2.
Suffolk Sheep/Lamb
Unlocked in year 2.
Throughbred Horse
Unlocked after the first tunnel upgrade.
Unlockable Characters
Characters that can be unlocked through the game.
Raise Nathan's friendship to 2 White Flowers, be in Fall of year 2 or later, and then walk to the Mountain Summit between 10:00 pm-3:00 am on sunny.
In Summer of your 1st year walk from the Konohana low-mountain area to the Konohana entrance area between 9:00am-8:00 pm on a sunny,snowy to unlocked.
Introduced to you by mayor in Fall 6. He will move into whichever town you are living in at the time.
Winter 3, the mayor will introduce you to him he'll be at the church in Bluebell from now on.
Walk from the Bluebell Low-Mountain to Bluebell Mid-Mountain area after 8:00 pm starting in year 2 to unlock her.
Unlockable Horse Carts
New horse carts will be rewarded to you from the cooking festival or message board requests.
Cardboard Cart
Raise Oracle's friendship to 2 Flowers and have Request Level rank 4 or higher.You need 1 Mythic Ore, 5 Brown Alpaca Wool, and 30,000,000 G.
Chicken Cart
Available at either Animal shop starting in year 3.
Fancy Cart
Win any Cooking Festival in year 2.
Lion Cart
Available at either Animal shop starting in year 3.
Shrine Cart
Win any Cooking Festival in year 2.
Own the Shrine Cart and the Fancy Cart and have the tunnel between both towns reconnected, and then win a cooking festival starting in year 2.
UFO Cart
Raise Oracle's friendship to 2 Flowers and have Request Level rank 4 or higher.You need 1Stone Tablet, 5 White Alpaca Wool, and 19,771,116 G.
Unlockable Items
Will be rewarded to you from the request board.Some of the request may require friendship from the requester.
Requested by Sheng in 1st year you need to raise 5,000 FP to unlocked the request needed 8000 G and 10 branches.
Fishing Rod
Given to you by mayor in Summer 1 at 1st Year.
Requested by Sheng in Spring 12 at 1st year needed 8 stones.
Master Rod
Requested by Rutger needed 10 old boots and 10 old balls
Requester by Oracle in year 2 needed 10 old balls and 10 material lumber.
Requested by Oracle in year2 needed 10 elli leaves and 10 snow balls.
Requested by Ash needed 5 milk and 5 egg plus 1,500g

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