
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days

King Mickey in mission mode
Finish story mode
New Game +
Finish Story Mode once in any difficulty.
Play as Donald and Goofy in Mission Mode
Beat Story Mode once in any difficulty
Play as Xion in Mission Mode
Beat Story Mode once in any difficulty
Sora in mission mode
Finish story mode
Play story mode to day 277
Play story mode to day 171
Theater Mode
Beat the game once, and Theater Mode will become available to you. You'll be able to watch every cutscene in the game.
New Game +
Finish Story Mode once in any difficulty using any character.
New Game +: Finish Story Mode once in any difficulty using any character.
Unlocking Characters in Mission Mode
Play story mode to day 244
Play story mode to day 277
King Mickey
Beat the game and purchase the item Return of the King from the moogle shop
Play story mode to day 171
100% complete all missions and purchase the item Soul of Sora from the moogle shop
Play story mode to day 96
Dual-wielding Roxas character in Mission Mode
Buy Zero Gear from the Moogle Shop after completing the game, equip it with Roxas, and add three Ability Units. If you are playing Mission Mode, this will let you play as dual-wielding Roxas. (In Story Mode, Zero Gear will gain the three abilities from the ability units, but it will revert to its original form, and you will not be able to dual wield.)
Freebie Items from Sythesis Moogle
By getting Challange Sigils from Holo-Mission challenges, you can unlock free items that will be given to you by the Sythesis Moogle.
Casual Gear (2)
Obtain 15 Sigils
Cure x 3
Obtain 25 Sigils
Fira x 2
Obtain 45 Sigils
Fire x 3
Obtain 20 Sigils
Obtain 10 Sigils
Phantom Gear+ (4)
Obtain 70 Sigils
Slot Releaser
Obtain 5 Sigils
Slot Releaser
Obtain 50 Sigils
Slot Releaser
Obtain 80 Sigils
Slot Releaser
Obtain 30 Sigils
Thundara x 2
Obtain 60 Sigils
Thunder x 3
Obtain 35 Sigils
Wild Gear+ (3)
Obtain 40 Sigils

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