
Monster Jam: Path of Destruction

Misc Unlockables
Here is how to unlock the extra unlokcables.
All areas, freestyle, curcuit race, time crunch, stadium race, gate rush, team events & stunt events unlocked.
Reach XP level 20
All custom acceseries unlocked
Reach XP level 20
All custom decals unlocked
Reach XP level 20
All custom vehicle body types unlocked
Reach XP level 20
All vehicles chasis upgrade
Reach XP level 5
All vehicles chasis upgrade x 2
Reach XP level 10
All vehicles chasis upgrade x3
Reach XP level 20
All vehicles engines upgrade
Reach XP level 5
All vehicles engines upgrade x 2
Reach XP level 10
All vehicles engines upgrade x 3
Reach XP level 20
Nitro upgrade for all trucks x 2
Reach XP level 10
Nitro upgrade for all trucks x 3
Reach XP level 20
Nitro upgrade for all trucks.
Reach XP level 5
Unlockable Vehicles
To unlock new Monster Trucks, simply beat them in the corresponding events.
place first in event against Brutus
Grave Digger
place first in National Tour event
place first in Minneapolis Circuit Race
Jurrasic Attack
place first in race against Jurrasic Attack
Maximum Destruction
place first in Indianapolis Stadium Race
Monster Mutt
place first during event against Monster Mutt
U.S Airforce After Burner
place first during event against U.S Airfroce After Burner
Unlock all Monster Trucks
reach level 20 of your XP upgrades by earning points in all events.

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