
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky

Wonder Mail S
Go to the Top Menu and select "Wonder Mail S", Then enter these codes.
Cheat code
Gabite Scale
Golden Apple
=QTP+ 13TJHXK 9K53#
Golden Mask
Golden Seed
0SNJ8 5X+313T 2#-
Lost Loot
WW@94 7Q9#6#& PWYXK
Mystery Part
5Q4%6 1KP1X8C 0XKS6
Rotom Recruit
RJ-7% 9@63&0+ F50KN
Secret Slab
Space Globe
0Y==K F32CNFX Y%&W%
Wonder Gummi
5RPP% -7-1-+S %#W%#
Extra Dungeons
After completing Chapter 10, you can unlock extra dungeons through different methods. These dungeons have Treasure Chests on the last floor everything you clear them. Some even have Treasure Chambers that require a key to open and Legendary Pokemon that appear if you have the Secret Slab or Mystery Part. Note: The Spinda's Juice Bar Cafe activationswill happen at random.
Bottomless Sea
Get the Secret Rank and receive the job from Spinda's Cafe
Destiny Tower
Beat the game and make drinks at Spinda's Juice Bar
Giant Volcano
Get the Secret Rank and receive the job from Spinda's Cafe
Happy Outlook
Beat the game and make drinks at Spinda's Juice Bar
Inferno Cave
Get Guildmaster Rank
Labyrirth Cave
Beat the game and find a job with ??? for the Place
Lake Afar
Make 100 Recycles
Landslide Cave
Make 3 Recycles
Lost Wilderness
Beat the game and make drinks at Spinda's Juice Bar
Lush Prarie
Make drinks at Spinda's Juice Bar
Midnight Forest
Beat the game and find a job with ??? for the Place
Mt Avalanche
Get the Secret Rank and receive the job from Spinda's Cafe
Mt Mistral
Beat the game and make drinks at Spinda's Juice Bar
Mystery Jungle
Get the Secret Rank and receive the job from Spinda's Cafe
Oblivion Forest
Get Master 1 Star Rank
Oran Forest
Make 60 Recycles
Serenity River
Make drinks at Spinda's Juice Bar
Shimmer Desert
Get the Secret Rank and receive the job from Spinda's Cafe
Shimmer Hill
Beat the game and find a job with ??? for the Place
Sky Stairway
Get the Secret Rank and receive the job from Spinda's Cafe
Southern Islands
Get Master 3 Star Rank
Star Cave
Clear Special Episode 1 and get the Secret Rank, then get Jirachi's Challenge Letter from Spinda's Cafe
Tiny Meadow
Make 25 Recycles
Treacherous Waters
Get Master 2 Star Rank
World Abyss
Get the Secret Rank and receive the job from Spinda's Cafe
Zero Island Center
Graduate from the Guild and do 150 Recycles

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