
Populous DS

Additional Levels and Other Misc. Features
     To unlock the generic levels (levels 1-8), 
just clear 3 of the 5 stages from the previous level.

Bonus Challenge Stage 41:        Get Gold or better on Warrior Hunt Level 1

Bonus Challenge Stage 42:        Get Gold or better on Warrior Hunt Level 2

Bonus Challenge Stage 43:        Get Gold or better on Warrior Hunt Level 3

Bonus Challenge Stage 44:        Get Gold or better on all levels of 
                                 Warrior Hunt

Extra Challenge Stages 46-50:    Clear All 40 stages in Challenge mode 
                                 Levels 1-8

Infinite Psyche Energy 
in Free Play Mode:               Clear all Extra Challenge Stages


God of Fire:             Beat the Demon of Harvest once in Challenge Mode

God/Goddess of Wind:     Beat the Demon of Water once in Challenge Mode

Goddess of Harvest:      Clear Tutorial Stage 5

Goddess of Water:        Beat the Demon of Fire once in Challenge Mode


8-Bit Plain:             Clear Challenge Stage 26 (Level 6)

Fairytale:               Clear Challenge Stage 2 (Level 1)

Hanging Gardens:         Clear Challenge Stage 27 (Level 6)

Horror:                  Clear Challenge Stage 11 (Level 3)

Magma:                   Clear Challenge Stage 7 (Level 2)

Outer Space:             Clear Challenge Stage 16 (Level 4)

Persia:                  Clear Challenge Stage 6 (Level 2)

Snowfield:               Clear Challenge Stage 21 (Level 5)

(Japanese landscape):    Clear Challenge Stage 3 (Level 1)

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