
Resident Evil: Deadly Silence

Easy mode:
     Hold  Right  at  the  main menu until the "New Game" option turns
green.  Begin  game  play  and  double  the  normal  amount  of items,
including  ink  ribbons  and ammunition, will be available. Note: This
does not effect other items, such as health sprays or herbs.

     When  you  select "New Game", hold Right for about ten seconds on
"Rebirth  Mode".  The  font  will  turn  green to confirm correct code
entry.  You  can  now  be  able to play both Rebirth and Classic modes
under the very easy difficulty setting.

Idle sequences:
     Remain  idle until Jill puts her hand on her hip, waiting for you
to  resume the game. Tap the touchscreen over her bosom or rear to see
her response.

Touching Jill and Chris
     Leave  Jill  alone  until  she enters her inactive animation. Get
your  stylus  and give her a tap in the chest area, or if she's facing
away  from  the  camera,  tap her behind. Marvel at the bonus animated
resposes. You can do the same thing with Chris as well.

Albert Wesker in wireless multi-player
     Get a "B" or greater rank in the Masters of Knifing mini-game.

Barry Burton in wireless multi-player
     Successfully complete the game as Jill.

Kenneth J. Sullivan in wireless multi-player
     Successfully complete Classic mode as Chris.

Rebecca Chambers in wireless multi-player
     Successfully complete Rebirth mode as Chris.

Masters Of Knifing mini-game
     Successfully complete the game.

Rocket Launcher
     Complete  the  game  in less than three hours. Start another game
from  your  saved  game file to begin with the Rocket Launcher in your

Idle sequences:
     Remain  idle until Jill puts her hand on her hip, waiting for you
to  resume the game. Tap the touchscreen over her bosom or rear to see
her response.

Touching Jill and others
     Leave  Jill  alone  until  she enters her inactive animation. Get
your  stylus  and give her a tap in the chest area, or if she's facing
away  from  the  camera,  tap her behind. Marvel at the bonus animated
resposes. You can do the same thing with Chris as well.

Alternate costumes
     Successfully complete Jill Valentine's scenario with Barry Burton
alive  or  Chris Redfield's scenario with Rebecca Chambers alive. Save
the  game,  then  load the cleared game file to start with the Special
Key  in  your  inventory. Use it to unlock the closet in Mansion 1F to
access  the  alternate  costumes.  Note:  The  alternate  costumes are
different in Classic and Rebirth modes.

Bonus animation
     Let  Jill  idle until she does her hand-on-hip pose, then tap her
on the chest or butt with the stylus to view a bonus animation.

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