
Rune Factory: A Fantasy Harvest Moon

Farming Tools
     This  is  to  help those who does not know how to get most of the
tools in the game.

Unlockable:              How to Unlock

Scythe (boro no kama)    Talk to Rosetta (Girl in the store with a sprout)
                         after you have plowed enough soil in the farm.

Fishing Rod 
(boro no sao)            Turn right at the first part of the town, 
                         descend the stairs and run to the end of 
                         the port. Sara will get you the rod for fishing.

Hammer (boro no hanma)  After you have plowed the 50th soil in a cave, 
                        talk to Leo (Blacksmith in the second store of 
                        the right in the first part of the town).

Axe (boro no ono)       Talk to Bianca (Girl in the right mansion 
                        in the third part of the town) after 
                        the second day.

Dungeon Passes
     How to acquire a pass for each dungeon.

Unlockable:              How to Unlock:

Greed Cave               Defeat the Battle Tank in the Dannan Cave

Carmite Cave             Till 100 squares on your farm

Toros Cave               Till 50 squares in the Carmite Cave 
                         and defeat the Greater Daemon

Dannan Cave              Defeat the Golum in the Kasmir Ruins

Kasmir Ruins             Till 100 squares in the Misty Bloom Cave 
                         and defeat the Siren

Misty Bloom Cave         Till 100 squares in Mt. Gigant 
                         and defeat the Dragon

Mt. Gigant               Rescue Cecilia in Clemens cave 
                         and defeat the Rafflesia(the Plant)

Clemens Cave             Till 100 squares in the Toros Cave 
                         and defeat the Chimera

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