
Alan Wake

+8 трейнер (для v1.06.17.0155 от HoG)
+15 трейнер (для v1.06.17.0154 от SER[G]ANT)
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Steam Achievements
A Friend in Need: Special 1
Find someone to help you.
A Friend Indeed: Special 1
Follow the signal to its conclusion.
Alan, Wake Up
Complete the game on Nightmare difficulty.
An Idyllic Small Town
Make it through ''Night Life in Bright Falls'' in one go without dying or restarting even once.
Back! Back, I Say!
Save yourself with a flare.
Boob Tube
See what's on TV.
Bright Falls Aficionado
Absorb every bit of local history and culture.
Bright Falls' Finest
Call for help.
Cardboard Companions: Special 1
Discover all of the cardboard standees.
Knock over five can pyramids.
Child of the Elder God
Have a rock'n'roll moment without dropping to a low health state.
Collateral Carnage
Defeat 20 Taken with indirect means.
Collector's Edition
Find all of the manuscript pages in the game, including the ones in Nightmare mode.
Come One, Come All
Kill four Taken with a single shot from the flaregun.
Couch Potato
Watch every single TV show.
Creative Space: Special 2
Discover the secret area.
Damn Good Cup of Coffee
Discover 25 coffee thermoses.
Complete the game on Normal difficulty.
Ding!: Special 2
Complete the elevator ride.
Drink 'Em Both Up
Put de lime in de coconut twice.
Use 100 batteries.
Every Nook and Cranny
Discover all of the hidden chests.
Fast and Furious: Special 1
Make it through the final battle in less than 1 minute and 30 seconds.
Finders Keepers
Discover 5 hidden chests.
Float Like a Butterfly
Perform a cinematic dodge.
Follow the Light
Take a night course of light education.
Cut the power to the transformer yard.
Go Gentle Into That Good Light: Special 2
Make it through the approach to the lighthouse without firing a weapon.
Gunless Wonder
Make it to Cauldron Lake without firing a single shot in ''On the Road to Cauldron Lake.''
Hardboiled Writer
Complete the game on Hard difficulty.
Heartbreaker: Special 2
Have some poison poured in your ear.
Heavy Metal
Survive the bulldozer attack.
Discover all coffee thermoses.
If It Flies, It Burns
Burn 1,000 birds.
Iron Horse
Encounter a steam engine.
Iron Will: Special 2
Survive the final encounter without being seriously hurt.
It's Not Just a Typewriter Brand
Defeat 50 Taken with a shotgun.
Listen to all of the radio shows.
Kill Your Darlings: Special 2
Defeat the final obstacle between you and your goal.
Let There Be Light
Get a generator running.
License Revoked: Special 1
Complete the episode without using a single vehicle.
Licensed Properties: Special 2
Discover 10 Night Springs video games.
Medical Opinions
Listen to Hartman's recordings.
Meet the Deadline
In ''Mirror Peak,'' make it from the Coal Mine Museum to Cauldron Lake in 30 minutes.
Missed by a Mile
Perform a cinematic dodge 20 times.
No Punctuation: Special 2
Complete the episode without reloading the game or restarting a checkpoint.
Nordic Walking
Take a walk through the logging area, meet one of the quirky locals.
Paging Mr. Wake
Find 25 manuscript pages.
Park Ranger
Enjoy the sounds and sights of Elderwood National Park.
Perchance to Dream
Take a moment to reflect on past events.
Picking Up After Yourself
Find all of the manuscript pages in Normal mode.
Right of Way
Drive over 15 Taken.
Run-On Sentence: Special 1
Complete the episode without reloading the game or restarting a checkpoint.
Sound and Fury
Kill four Taken with a single flashbang.
Taken Season
Defeat 50 Taken with the hunting rifle.
The Lady of the Light
Discover the secret she guards.
The Six-Gun Scribe
Defeat 100 Taken with the revolver.
They're Heeeeeere!
Inanimate objects shouldn't move of their own accord. Put a stop to this affront, oh, say, 20 times.
Thunder and Lightning
Defeat 50 Taken with flashbang grenades.
Tick Tock: Special 1
Discover 10 hidden alarm clocks.
Tornado Wrangler
Defeat the tornado.
Two For the Price of One
Kill two Taken with a single shotgun blast.
Under a Thin Layer of Skin
Defy the park ranger.
What Light Through Yonder Window
Defeat 50 Taken with the flaregun, the way Shakespeare intended.
Wheels Within Wheels
Meet the kidnapper.
Whirlwind: Special 2
Make your way past the tornado in under 60 seconds.
Words Will Never Harm You: Special 1
Trigger all of the furnaces in the basement.
Nightmare Mode
Beat the game on any difficulty to unlock Nightmare Mode. This mode makes combat much more difficult and adds 16 Manuscript Pages to collect.
Developer Cameo
When you have to watch a TV show with Alan there's a second guest in the end. It's Sam Lake. He wrote the story for Alan Wake and Max Payne at Remedy games and he even borrowed his face to be the face of Max Payne.
In episode 3 when you need to look for the keys to the car at the end when escaping from the nature center, instead of looking in the Men's room look in the woman's room. None of the stalls have toilets.
Max Payne Reference
In Alan's New York Apartment and various other locations throughout the game, examine bookshelves: One of the titles is "The Things I Want" which is a chapter title and monologue sequence from Max Payne 2.
Microsoft Tag
In Episode 4 there is a modern art painting on the top floor of the lodge. It is actually a tag. Take your smartphone, aim it at the tag on your screen and use Microsoft Tag to read it.

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Отзывы посетителей об игре (2)

Автор: Cheatministrator
Немного о сюжете. Alan Wake в версии для Xbox 360 вышла еще в 2010 году и стала на тот момент одним из самых популярных проектов для этой консоли. По сюжету игры, терзаемый творческим кризисом писатель Алан Уэйк приезжал в американскую глухомань, чтобы отдохнуть и наконец-то выдать что-нибудь шедевральное. Но во время одной из прогулок около ближайшего озера неведомая сила затягивает его жену в пучину вод, а бросившийся ее спасать Алан теряет создание. После того, как он пришел в себя, выяснилось, что прошла неделя, и за это время он успел написать то самое шедевральное произведение о некой Темной Сущности, которая поглотит мир. К несчастью, писатель понимает, что всё, что описано в книге, начинает сбываться... Более подробное описание и прохождение Alan Wake вы можете найти на нашем игровом форуме.

Автор: Alexander
Alan Wake - игра выпущенная как хоррор + приключение. На официальном сайте она названа психологическим триллером. Поэтому сказать, что недостаточно страшно нельзя. Ведь чувство напряжения и тревоги она вселяет, да и моментов с резким выскакиванием "порождений тёмной сущности" достаточно. Особенно порадовали прыгающие на Уэйка шпалы, тачки, и другие сельскохозяйственные предметы, включая бешеный трактор. И в некоторых местах это действительно неожиданно. Следует отметить превосходную графику - всё проработано до мелочей, заметно, как меняется погода. Писатель не просто однообразно бегает. Он старается идти аккуратно по брёвнам, от "автостопщиков" может уклоняться. Благодаря продуманному сценарию Alan Wake производит впечатление кинофильма. А для меня это показатель высшего качества, именно реалистичность отличает хорошую сложную игру от "Тетриса". Я думаю, играть стоит в любом случае. Alan Wake получает 5!

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