
Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition

+22 трейнер (для v1.0 от FLiNG)
+1 трейнер (для v1.0.2.0 от gnagna2000)
Редактор сохранений (v3.0.5.0 от Jappi88)
Games for Windows Live Achievements
Art of Abysswalking (15)
Acquire the Art of Abysswalking.
Bond of a Pyromancer (25)
Acquire all pyromancies.
Chaos Weapon (15)
Acquire best weapon through chaos reinforcement.
Covenant: Blade of the Darkmoon (25)
Discover Blade of the Darkmoon covenant.
Covenant: Chaos Servant (25)
Discover Chaos Servant covenant.
Covenant: Darkwraith (25)
Discover Darkwraith covenant.
Covenant: Forest Hunter (25)
Discover Forest Hunter covenant.
Covenant: Gravelord Servant (25)
Discover Gravelord Servant covenant.
Covenant: Path of the Dragon (25)
Discover Path of the Dragon covenant.
Covenant: Princess's Guard (25)
Discover Princess's Guard covenant.
Covenant: Warrior of Sunlight (25)
Discover Warrior of Sunlight covenant.
Covenant: Way of White (15)
Discover Way of White covenant.
Crystal Weapon (15)
Acquire best weapon through crystal reinforcement.
Dark Lord (90)
Reach "The Dark Lord" ending.
Defeat Bed of Chaos (25)
Defeat the Soul Lord Bed of Chaos.
Defeat Crossbreed Priscilla (25)
Defeat Crossbreed Priscilla, the Lifehunter.
Defeat Gravelord Nito (25)
Defeat the Soul Lord Gravelord Nito.
Defeat Seath the Scaleless (25)
Defeat Seath the Scaleless, inheritors of souls.
Defeat the Dark Sun Gwyndolin (25)
Defeat Dark Sun Gwyndolin, the Darkmoon God.
Defeat the Four Kings (25)
Defeat the Four Kings, inheritors of souls.
Divine Weapon (15)
Acquire best weapon through divine reinforcement.
Enchanted Weapon (15)
Acquire best weapon through enchanted reinforcement.
Enkindle (15)
Light bonfire flame.
Estus Flask (15)
Acquire Estus Flask.
Fire Weapon (15)
Acquire best weapon through fire reinforcement.
Knight's Honor (25)
Acquire all rare weapons.
Lightning Weapon (15)
Acquire best weapon through lightning reinforcement.
Lordvessel (25)
Acquire the Lordvessel.
Magic Weapon (15)
Acquire best weapon through magic reinforcement.
Occult Weapon (15)
Acquire best weapon through occult reinforcement.
Prayer of a Maiden (25)
Acquire all miracles.
Raw Weapon (15)
Acquire best weapon through raw reinforcement.
Reach Anor Londo (25)
Arrive in Anor Londo.
Reach Lordran (15)
Arrive in Lordran.
Ring the Bell (Quelaag's Domain) (15)
Ring Bell of Awakening in Quelaag's domain.
Ring the Bell (Undead Church) (15)
Ring Bell of Awakening at Undead Church.
Rite of Kindling (15)
Acquire the Rite of Kindling.
Strongest Weapon (15)
Acquire best weapon through standard reinforcement.
The Dark Soul (50)
All achievements completed. Congratulations!
To Link the Fire (90)
Reach "To Link the Fire" ending.
Wisdom of a Sage (25)
Acquire all sorceries.
Dark Souls: Prepare to Die EditionDark Souls: Prepare to Die EditionDark Souls: Prepare to Die EditionDark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition

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