
Frontlines: Fuel of War

Bonus content (Single Player)
     Go  into  the  extras  menu and then into the bonus content menu.
Type in the codes below for the desired effect.

Cheat code:               Effect:

sp-village                A secret mission in a village.

sp-street                 A secret mission taking place on city streets.

Various cheats
     Go  to  the  location/path  where  your  Profile  and  the  Saved
Checkpoints are stored which is:

C:\Documents and Settings\[USERNAME]\My Documents\My Games\Frontlines - 
Fuel of War

     Now  Look  for the 'Config' folder inside the 'GCGame' folder. Go
to  the  'Config'  folder  and  look  for  the  following  .ini file :

     Open the 'GCInput' file with notepad and search for the following


and change it to:


     Now press [~] (tilde) while playing to bring up the console. Type
any of the following cheat codes.

Cheat code:              Effect:

god                      God Mode

loaded                   All Weapons/Ammo

allammo                  Max Ammo

ghost                    No Clipping

playersonly              Disable AI

slomo #                  Slomo Mode

walk                     Walk Mode

fly                      Fly Mode

allweapons               All Weapons

behindview 1             3rd Person View

suicide                  Kill Player

Unlock Village Assault Bonus Level
     Select EXTRAS from the Main Menu. Select BONUS CONTENT. Enter the
code "sp-village" to unlock the bonus level.

Unlock Urban Combat Bonus Level
     Select EXTRAS from the Main Menu. Select BONUS CONTENT. Enter the
code "sp-street" to unlock the bonus level.

Easy Kills/One Hit Kills
     Open  the  'GCGame'  file located in the same 'Config' folder and
locate the heading:


     and  then  look  for the Line 'm_fHealthEnemyCharacterAI=120' and
change the value 120 to any lower value like 1.

This will Kill the ground enemies with 1 shot.

     OR  Look  for  the line 'm_fDamageModifierFromPlayerToAI=1.5' and
change the value 1.5 to 999.

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