
Guardians of Middle-Earth

Steam Achievements
(MVG) Most Valuable Guardian
Earn a combined Guardian Kill/Assist Streak of 8 in any 5 vs 5 Match
All Falls Before You
Destroy 5 Soldier Upgrades total in 5 vs 5 Matches
An Unexpected Journey
Complete 100 5 vs 5 or Co-Op vs Bots Matches
And My Axe
Achieve an Assist Streak of 5 in any 5 vs 5 Match
Capture the Power
Capture 15 Shrines total in any 5 vs 5 Matches
Kill or Assist a Guardian from each Class once in any 5 vs 5 Matches
Defend to the End
Win with a Defender-Class Guardian in any 5 vs 5 Match
Draught of Courage
Use 4 Potions in any 5 vs 5 Match
Drive Them Back
Achieve a Multi-Kill of 2 in any 5 vs 5 Match
Win with a Enchanter-Class Guardian in any 5 vs 5 Match
Foe's Bane
Achieve a Kill Streak of 3 in any 5 vs 5 Match
Win with a Tactician-Class Guardian in any 5 vs 5 Match
Honor in Death
Fall on the Battleground
In Command
Use a Tier-4 Command in any 5 vs 5 Match
In the Light
Play as every Good Guardian once in 5 vs 5 Matches
Master Mason
Upgrade 3 Towers in any 5 vs 5 Match
No Head Left Uncracked
Damage every Guardian once in 5 vs 5 Matches
Notches in the Axe
Earn 50 Accolades total in any 5 vs 5 Matches
Rally the Troops
Build 6 Soldier Upgrades total in 5 vs 5 Matches
Earn 20 Guardian Kills in any 5 vs 5 Match
Rise to the Top
Reach Level 14 in any 5 vs 5 Match
Rule Them All
Win any 3-Lane 5 vs 5 or Co-Op vs Bots Match
Earn 5 Accolades in any single 5 vs 5 Match
Servant of the Shadows
Play as every Evil Guardian once in 5 vs 5 Matches
Strike Hard, Strike Fast
Win with a Striker-Class Guardian in any 5 vs 5 Match
There And Back Again
Win 25 total 5 vs 5 Matches
Ultimate Vengeance
Use an Ultimate Ability to defeat an Enemy Guardian in any 5 vs 5 Match
Warrior's Mettle
Win with a Warrior-Class Guardian in any 5 vs 5 Match
Win Your Way
Win a Private Match

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