
Guise of the Wolf

Steam Achievements
Complete the game without falling or being killed.
Prepare the 'Night Watchma'.
Barrier Breaker
Unlock a normal sized wooden barrier without transformation.
Coin Collector
Collect 230 Gold.
Complete the stone beacons task.
Run and hide from the werewolf.
Excellent Memory
Solve the card puzzle.
Collect an optional item.
Good Reader
Find and read a book about your curse.
Complete the game with less than 12 transformations.
I am a werewolf...
Learn how to use the werewolf form.
Discover the reason for your invitation.
Lock-picking Artist
Unlock all chests.
Master Thief
Rob all pockets.
Path of Darkness
Unlock the bad ending.
Path of Freedom
Unlock the good ending.
Realize your new identity.
Senior Alchemist
Prepare the 'Wolfsbane'.
Survive the werewolf attack.
Wild Beast
Kill more than 10 humans.

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