

Accidents do happen
Break 10 objects.
Almost there
Kill 15 persons.
Are You There God? It's Me, Lucius
Turn a cross five times.
Catholic vengeance
Kill 18 persons.
Deadly sins
Kill 7 persons.
Devils little menace
Break 20 objects.
Devils Trainee
Complete all tutorials.
Double Murder
Kill Gene.
Dr. Alzheimer
Use memory erase 10 times.
Dr. Kevorkian
Assist on 3 suicides.
Find secret chamber before chapter seven.
Finally no more driving
Kill 14 persons.
Get fifth level for combustion.
Use lesser combustion 5 times.
First Blood
Kill Mary.
Frank Morris
Escape from storage jail.
Getting the hang of it
Kill 3 persons.
High five
Kill 5 persons.
Collect 20 items.
I like this game
Play 20 hours.
I'm addicted
Play 40 hours.
Inside your head
Use mind control 5 times.
Get fifth level for telekinesis.
Killed eight people and loving it
Kill 8 persons.
Let there be Dark!
Turn off lights 20 times.
Kill 16 persons.
Looking for something
Open 50 drawers.
Run 26 miles.
Use memory erase 5 times.
Get fifth level for memory erase.
Get fifth level for mind control.
Mommy's little helper
Complete chores for all the presents.
Music is all around us
Find two ways to listen to music from the music box.
My lucky number
Kill 6 persons.
Nine gates of hell
Kill 9 persons.
Nine of them did not matter
Kill 10 persons.
No for homeschooling
Kill 12 persons.
Shoot someone.
Take 20 pictures.
Let five people burn.
Rebel without a cause
Break 30 objects.
Screw hiding.
Shoot 5 persons.
Serial killer
Kill 4 persons.
Seven to eleven
Kill 11 persons.
Open safe without hints.
Son of the Devil
Kill 20 persons.
Tasmanian Devil
Break 50 objects.
There is no answer
Talk to people 10 times.
These things belong together
Combine 6 items.
They see me rollin
Get spotted 5 times.
Tour de Dante manor
Cycle 10 miles.
TV Addict
Turn on the television 5 times.
Two out of three fathers
Kill 19 persons.
Ultimate devil mindtrick
Use mind control 10 times.
Unlucky one
Kill 13 persons.
We got ourselves a reader
Read 20 journal entries.
You all saw him - he had a gun
Kill 17 persons.

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