Soldiers will not shout you:
Go project IGI installed folder then goto commen\ai backup the
folder ai, There will some files like "civlian.qvm" ,"guard.qvm" like
that names of enemy's copy the file "civlian.qvm"[ctrl + c] and paste
it[ctrl + v] in that same folder, if willbe like copy of civlian.qvm
then rename enemy's files into some other names then then rename copy
of civlian.qvm into name of enemy's files like guard etc.. then start
the game then enemy's willnot shout you or kill you ,If thay see you
than thay will run away like civlian.
There's a secret gun in the whole game and it is on the last
level behind the crates as you kill two guys right and left with spaz
12 and open the door to the crate room and the gun is colt anaconda!
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