
RailWorks 2: Train Simulator

Steam Achievements
Always Delivering
Successfully complete 150 shunting instructions during Career System scenarios.
Dedicated Driver
Drive 5000 km total in career system scenarios.
Electric Dream
Drive 1000 km total in Career System Scenarios using an electric locomotive.
Activate the emergency brakes during Career System play 10 times.
Full Steam Ahead
Drive 1000 km total in Career System Scenarios using a steam locomotive.
Get in There!
Achieve a top 10 in the "Top Ranking" leaderboard on any Career System scenario.
Going for Gold
Complete any 6 Career System scenarios with a score of 1000 or higher.
Good Commute
Successfully complete 50 passenger pickups during Career System scenarios.
Happy Passengers
Successfully complete 150 passenger pickups during Career System scenarios.
Hear You Coming
Sound the horn on any locomotive during Career System play 500 times.
Long Haul
Drive 1000 km total in career system scenarios.
Must Try Harder
Drive a Career System scenario to the finish but with one or more failed instruction.
Number One!
Achieve the number one "Top Ranking" position on any Career System scenario.
Petrol Head
Drive 1000 km total in Career System Scenarios using a diesel locomotive.
Rainy Day
Activate the wipers on any locomotive during Career System play 100 times.
Strive for Perfection
Complete any 3 Career System scenarios with a score of 1000 or higher.
Survive Five
5 Career System Scenarios completed successfully.
Ten in the Can
10 Career System Scenarios completed successfully.
Well Travelled
Drive 500 km total in career system scenarios.
Successfully complete 50 shunting instructions during Career System scenarios.

Галерея игровых скриншотов

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RailWorks 2: Train SimulatorRailWorks 2: Train SimulatorRailWorks 2: Train SimulatorRailWorks 2: Train Simulator

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