
Sleeping Dogs

+10 trainer (for v2.1.437044 by FLiNG)
+10 trainer (for v2.1 by FLiNG)
+2 trainer (for any version by Alice0725)
Camera controls
Jade Statue Locations
Search the indicated locations to find all 11 Jade Statues. Jade Statues unlock melee combos, which are important in brawls and street fights as the game progresses. Jade Statues are tricky to find, and most are in areas that are locked when you start the game. Thus, before you can find most statues, you will first need to unlock that area by progressing through the game. Once you have found a Jade Statue, return to your former martial arts teacher, located in the North Point. As a reward for returning this statue to him, you can choose one of the combos available in the "Melee" training menu and learn it by attending the class. To learn the combo technique completely, you will be required to perform the combo three times, and then you must defeat a set number of opponents, with or without using that combo. When the lesson ends, you will have access to the new combo technique in your list of techniques.
Jade Statue #1
It is on the boat where you observe the drug deal between the popstar and supplier.
Jade Statue #2
It is on the second floor of Club Bam Bam. The statue is on the bar counter near the manager's office. You will not be able access the area until Winston asks you to make an example out of the club's manager.
Jade Statue #3
During the cutscene where Wei is blamed of being a rat working for HKPD (Water Street Gang's Accusations), you will be able to see a statue on one of the kitchen counters. You can also come back to this territory later in the game to pick it up.
Jade Statue #4
The "Bride To Be" mission will direct you to the temple that has this statue. However, if you have completed "Tiffany's Song", you can get in the temple where the statue is placed on the central altar.
Jade Statue #5
It is in the waiting area of the central hospital. You can go in there and grab the statue at any time since the hospital is always open.
Jade Statue #6
It is in a Bridal Shop. It is the same shop where you drove Peggy to in the "Bride To Be" mission.
Jade Statue #7
At the K-bar in Soho, you can find the statue on one of the bars inside.
Jade Statue #8
Go to the main hall leading into the greater cemetery near the Kennedy Town. It is on one of the seats in the viewing area entrance point.
Jade Statue #9
You can get this statue after you reach the gambling den on the northern coast of Central. The statue is inside the den, but you will not be able to access it until you complete the "Riffraff Disposal" mission for the doorman. This mission will not be accessible until you have completed the "Bride To Be" main story mission.
Jade Statue #10
This statue is impossible to miss, as you will have it while completing the "Bad Luck" main story mission in Act 3. Look for the statue in a display case in Chin Tsao's Mansion.
Jade Statue #11
It is in Vivienne Wu's apartment. The statue is on a table inside the dining room.

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