
Thief Gold

+2 trainer

Level Creator
     To  create  your  own  levels,  install Thief Gold to your system
(full  install),  then  goto  the  goodies  folder on the CD and unzip
DromEd  to  your  Thief  folder.  Goto it, and you can create your own
levels, edit levels, and play fan missions!

Level Skip
     By  pressing, CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+END while playing a mission you will
be instantly transported to the next level.

     It should be noted that by doing this trick, you will not receive
any money from the mission that you skipped.

Blooper mission
     Note:  This  procedure  involves  editing  a  game file; create a
backup  copy  of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit
the  "user.cfg" file in the game directory. Add the following lines to
the file, then start the game and begin a new mission:

Play starting_mission 16
     Alternately, install Dromed from the Goodies folder on Thief Gold
disc  one.  Then,  start  Dromed  and open mission 18. Press [Alt] + G
after it loads to enter the game.

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