
Torchlight 2

+8 trainer (for v1.20.5.3 by GGHZ (STEAM version))
+22 trainer (for v1.9.5.1 - v1.20.5.3 by FLiNG)
Various cheats
To enable the console, go to C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\Documents\my games\Runic Games\Torchlight 2\save\(number). The number will be different from person to person, the point is that it is a string of numbers. Open that folder, then open up settings.txt (back up recommended, like always). Change 'Console:0' to 'Console:1' Once you are in game, press the Insert key (INS) to open up the console.
Cheat code
Add a friend by username or email.
Toggles monster AI on and off
Spawns all items
Gives you all stats
Player will always score critical hits
Goes down a floor
Clear Console History
Gives you defense points
Goes up a floor
Gives you ranged points
Displays the current game difficulty
Disables the Player's pet
Gives you fame points
Shows the frame rate and other information
Toggles Godmode
Toggles both Godmode and Speed mode
Reduces the player's and the player's pet HP by the given percent
Identifies all items in the player's inventory
Creates an a an item the given number of times
Kills all monsters
Increase XP to the next level
Gives you magic points
Gives you gold
The player will not gain XP
Makes monsters not target the player
Sets a quest to complete
Resets the player's pet level to 1
Resets the player's stats, skills, and level
Resets the player's level to 1
Resets the player's skills
Resets the player's stat points
Sets the current difficulty
Sets the pet's level
Sets the time of day
Sets the timescale for time of day
Show list of commands
Gives you skill points
Toggles additional speed for the character
Gives you stat points
Gives you melee points
Summon Items
Open the console and type "item ####" in the console and press enter (for Perfect skull, type item 2627)
The Infinite Pure Ember Shard (+49 damage / +34 armor) - 2607
The Sea King's Core Ember Shard (+19 health per second / +12 strength) - 2629
The Grand Depths Ember Shard (-48 armor per hit / +12 dexterity) - 2603
The Fire Queen Ember Shard (+33 fire damage / +28 fire resistance) - 2600
The Spire City Life Ember Shard (+33 poison damage / +28 poison resistance) - 2631
The Earthstar Cold Ember Shard (+33 ice damage / +28 ice resistance) - 2597
The Eternal Flow Ember Shard (+33 electric damage / +28 electric resistance) - 2599
The Pirate Skull (48 health stolen per hit / +12 defense) - 2627
Elitch's Eye (15 mana stolen per hit / +12 magic) - 1766
Infinite Potions
Choose a brand new character and put your potions into a shared stash chest (Torchlight - north side). Next, you need to delete the character and then load a different character. Grab all potions you left earlier. You can repeat that many times.
Steam Achievements
A New Trick
Teach a pet a spell
Apprentice Baiter
Fish 10 times
Defeat the Winter Widow
Break 100 breakables
Bull In A China Shop
Break 10,000 breakables
Have 50 friends
Use 100 maps
Defeat the Nether King in Casual difficulty
Casually Hardcore
Defeat the Nether King in hardcore mode (casual)
Century Mark
Reach level 100
Champ Battler
Defeat 25 champions
Champ Master
Defeat 100 champions
Champ Overlord
Defeat 500 champions
Chest Nut
Open 500 chests
Defeat the Nether King with each of the 4 classes
Continuing Education
Learn 4 spells
Critter Crusher
Squish 1000 critters
Defeat Aleera
Defeat One-Eyed Willy
Break 1,000 breakables
Ding Dong
Defeat Cacklespit
Dragon Slayer
Defeat Vyrax
Defeat the Nether King in Elite difficulty
Defeat Kidrik the Mauler
Use an enchanter 10 times
Ezrek Gone
Defeat Ezrek Khan
Fair Verona
Defeat Verona
Fetch A Fair Price
Send your pet to town
Defeat Bloatfang
For A Rainy Day
Have 100,000 gold
Add a friend
From The Pit
Defeat Mordrox
From The Top
Begin new game plus
Gambling Enthusiast
Purchase 20 items from the gambler
Gambling Fiend
Purchase 100 items from the gambler
Gambling Professional
Purchase 50 items from the gambler
Gem Hoarding
Recover 100 gems from items
Gem Preservation
Recover 10 gems from items
Gem Recovery
Recover a gem from an item
Get This Party Started
Start a multiplayer game
Ghost Buster
Defeat Thiss
Gib Aficionado
Explode 1,000 enemies
Gib Tycoon
Explode 10,000 enemies
Explode 100 enemies
Take 100,000 steps
Goodbye Cruel World
Die with a hardcore character
Gooey Soles
Squish 100 critters
Grand Regicide
Defeat Grand Regent Eldrayn
Use 5,000 potions
Start a hardcore character
Hardcore Veteran
Defeat the Nether King in hardcore mode (veteran)
Having A Blast
Fish using dynamite
Deal 100,000 critical strikes
I Know a Secret
Find a secret room
Ice Breaker
Destroy 100 socketed gems
In Service of Secrets
Find 10 secret rooms
In Your World
Join a multiplayer game
Journeyman Fisher
Fish 100 times
Defeat Killbot
Lizard Breaker
Defeat Aruk
Defeat the Manticore
Map Enthusiast
Use 10 maps
Defeat Marishka
Massive Crits
Deal 10,000 critical strikes
Master Angler
Fish 1,000 times
Mission Accomplished
Defeat the Dark Alchemist
Mod Maniac
Play a game using 5 mods
Mod Squad
Install a mod
Play a game using 10 mods
Mushroom Picking
Defeat Boletus Rex
Nest Egg
Have 1,000,000 gold
No More Secrets
Find 100 secret rooms
Defeat the Nether King in Normal difficulty
Normally Hardcore
Defeat the Nether King in hardcore mode (normal)
Do 10,000 damage with a single attack
Sell 500 items
Performance Enhancer
Use an enchanter 500 times
Pet Savant
Teach a pet 4 spells
Pinned to the Mist
Defeat the Wraith Lord
Playing With Dolls
Defeat the Ancient Rag Doll
Open 100 chests
Pogg Slammed
Defeat King Pogg
Use 50 potions
Revolt Against Artifice
Defeat the Artificer
Rock Crusher
Destroy 10 socketed gems
Self Improvement
Use an enchanter 50 times
Siege Breaker
Defeat the Siege Guardian
Skill Devotee
Obtain a tier 2 skill bonus
Skill Enthusiast
Obtain a tier 1 skill bonus
Skill Master
Obtain a tier 3 skill bonus
Have 10 friends
Socket a gem into an item
Spectacular Find
Find a legendary item
Learn a spell
Squish Gallop
Squish 500 critters
Stepping Out
Take 10,000 steps
Stone Smasher
Destroy a socketed gem
The Band Played On
Assemble TrillBot
The Big Chillhoof
Defeat Chillhoof
The Blingbearer
Socket 500 gems into items
The Fall of the Wild
Defeat the Grizzled Alpha
The Felled Guardian
Defeat the Fallen Guardian
The King is Dead
Defeat the Nether King
The One Percent
Have 10,000,000 gold
Thinking Critically
Deal 1,000 critical strikes
Use 500 potions
Trade an item with another player
Trash Magnate
Sell 50,000 items
Treasure Hunter
Open 20 chests
True Berserker
Defeat the Nether King as a Berserker
True Embermage
Defeat the Nether King as an Embermage
True Engineer
Defeat the Nether King as an Engineer
True Outlander
Defeat the Nether King as an Outlander
Twinkle Twinkle Bobba
Socket 50 gems into items
Defeat the King In Masks
Defeat the Nether King in hardcore mode (elite)
Sell 5,000 items
Defeat the Nether King in Veteran difficulty
Take 50,000 steps
Well Dressed
Wear a completed armor set
When Grell Fell
Defeat General Grell
Who's Your Friend
Defeat the Manticore's Mate
X Marks The Spot
Use a map
Torchlight 2Torchlight 2Torchlight 2Torchlight 2

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Прислал: lion
Как и в предыдущей версии игры, также существует запись инвентаря игрока, которую можно использовать в своих «корыстных» целях. Во второй части игры зачарование ограничено 2-3 свойствами, а одинаковые камни не суммируются в лучший, а преобразуются в другой (отразились фишки модов «Диабло 2»), что огорчает — хаос полнейший. Зачарователи тоже хаотично появляются на локациях, это тоже не радует. Зато — куча наборов, как общих, так индивидуальных, с «нехилыми» бонусами. Причем есть интересный момент — трансмутация. 4 уникальных желтых предмета или 2 фиолетовых (из наборов) трансмутируются в новый, как ниже, так и выше(!) по уровню. Клонируя вещи и экспериментируя с трансмутацией, я получил несколько полных наборов, причем без покупки их у торгашей. Мой уровень был около 20, а наборы уже для 32-40 уровней лежат и ждут игроков по индивидуальным сундукам (держу несколько персонажей — места больше в инвентаре, да и Берсерку — свой шлем, колдуну — его жезл). Причем, свойства разные, иногда «сокетные» вещи получаются — это важно, а так смотрите сами при выборе — себя защитить или усилить питомца. Лучше отложите несколько вариантов, потом продадите лишний. С камнями тут сложнее, чаще они в худший по уровню трансмутируют. Хорошие камни — постоянное восстановление жизни и маны, запихиваем их во все шмотки (в «сокеты», отверстия для драгоценностей). Рыбалка тоже имеет ограниченные попытки. А в целом, игра Torchlight 2 не потеряла своего шарма, даже играть вы можете любым оружием, но лучше своего класса. Теперь еще совет — как бы ни утверждал советчик в игре, что двуручное оружие мощнее, громит монстров масштабно, охватывая площадь — не «ведитесь». Игра сама навязывает зависимость от предметов, поэтому лучше двуручной пушки (или пики) с 2-мя камнями — 2 пистолета (или кинжала), в которых по 4 камушка, да и скорость атаки выше. Иначе, пока вы по воробьям целитесь с «ДУРМАШИНЫ», вас обстреляют магией с разных сторон или ударят в спину. К тому же, в наборах чем больше вещей, тем лучше. Но, это мое мнение, может кому-то «двуручником» интереснее машется.
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