
Dark Cloud

Easy money:
     Go  into  the  divine beast cave then get alot of prickly fishing
bate and sell it for alot of money.

Ice Queen's defeat:
     The  EASIEST  way  to beat the Ice Queen is to collect (or buy in
Queens,  Joker's  store)  about ten to fifteen fire gems. When you see
the Queen lock on to her and start firing away. You can load nine gems
in  each  active  box  so  reloading is not needed. The Ice Queen gets
stunned  from the first hit allowing plenty of time to keep firing the
fire  gems  at  her. You can beat her quickly and receive little to no
damage if done quickly enough!

Beat the King Curse:
     You  must  have  Ungaga  well equipped with a strong weapon, blow
away  the man shaped black cloud and beat on the coffin as soon as you
can see it (inside a circle made when the black smoke moves away).

Beat the moon champion:
     Stand  behind  a  barrel  and  when the champion runs up to start
drinking  it run around the back of him and hit him. Repeat until he's
dead. If done correctly you'll never recieve any damage.

Easy level ups on your weapons:
     Get a strong weapon and kill an enemy with it. Before the monster
disappears,  switch  to  a weaker weapon. If done correctly the weaker
weapon should get all the ABs.

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