

Better Air Control 
     To  have  better  control over the car in the air, enter the code
Change Difficulty 
     To outfit machine guns and rockets to your car, go to the Options
menu,  and select Options: Cheat Codes. Enter the code howhardcanitbe,
followed by a number 0-9. The most difficult is howhardcanitbe9, while
the easiest is howhardcanitbe0. Enjoy.
Glitch: Unmanned Motorbike 
     While  driving  the  motorbike, deliberately throw the driver off
(three  guesses  how)  and  immediately press START to pause. When you
unpause,  the  game  will  occasionally  glitch  and the rider will be

Have Infinite Nitros 
     To  have  infinite  Nitros,  go  to  the Options menu, and select
Options: Cheat Codes. Then enter the phrase "greenLantern" to activate
the cheat. (It's case-sensitive, so make the L big).
Machine Guns and Rockets 
     To outfit machine guns and rockets to your car, go to the Options
menu, and select Options: Cheat Codes. Enter savethekids as a cheat to
hook your ride up with machine guns and rockets. When playing the game
press  R3 (click the right analog stick) to fire rockets and L3 (click
the left analog stick) to fire machine guns.
No Damage  
     Go  to  the  Options  menu, and select Options: Cheat Codes. Then
enter the phrase "gladiator" to activate the no damage cheat.
Unlock All Cities 
     To unlock all cities, enter the code "Globetrotter." This code is
Unlock All Modes 
     To  unlock  all  modes, go to the cheat menu and enter the phrase
"dextran". This code is case-sensitive.

Unlock All Vehicles 
     To unlock all vehicles, go to the cheat menu and enter the phrase
"theCollector". This code is case-sensitive.
Unlock All Vehicles and Cities 
     To unlock all vehicles and cities, go to the cheat menu and enter
the phrase "pennyThug". This code is case-sensitive.
Unlock Everything in Arcade Mode 
     Go to the Options menu, and select Options: Cheat Codes. Then, to
unlock  all  cars,  areas,  etc.  in  Arcade  Mode,  enter  the phrase
"rimbuk". This code is case-sensitive.
Unlock LAPD Car 
     To unlock the LAPD car, beat all circuit races in LA.
Unlock Parisian Police Car 
     Beat  all  circuit  races  in  Paris  (Arcade Mode) to unlock the
Parisian police car.
Unlock SLFA50X 
     Finish first in the Arcade races in Tokyo, LA and Paris to unlock
the SLFA50X, which is only usable in Arcade Mode.
Unlock Tokyo Police Car 
     To  unlock  the  Tokyo Police Car, beat all circuit races (Arcade
Mode) in Tokyo.
Weapon Loadout and Invulnerablity 
     To have machine guns, rockets, plenty of nitro ?· be invincible,
enter the code "immortal."

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