
Monster Hunter 2

Gallery monster intro movies
     Gallery  movies can be unlocked by encountering certain monsters,
as well as doing certain things in the game.

     The  intro  movies  are  the  cutscenes  you  will  see  when you
encounter a monster for the first time.

Babakonga intro          Encounter a Babakonga 
Basarios intro           Encounter a Basarios 
Cephadrome intro         Encounter a Cephadrome 
Diablos intro            Encounter a Diablos 
Dodobrango intro         Encounter a Dodobrango 
Dos fango intro          Encounter a Dos fango 
Gizami intro             Encounter a Gizami 
Gravios intro            Encounter a Gravios
Gypceros intro           Encounter a Gypceros 
Khezu intro              Encounter a Khezu 
Kusharudaora intro 1     Do the purple dress lady urgent quest 
Kusharudaora intro 2     Encounter a Kusharudaora in the mountains 
Monoblos intro           Encounter a Monoblos 
Nana Teskatory intro 1   Do the Nana teskatory urgent quest 
Nana Teskatory intro 2   Do the Nana teskatory quest at the tower
Plesioth intro           Encounter a Plesioth 
Rathalos intro           Encounter a Rathalos 
Rathian intro            Encounter a Rathian 
Velocidrome intro        Encounter a velocidrome
Yain kut ku intro        Encounter a Yain kut ku
Zazami intro             Encounter a Zazami

Gallery monster intro movies
     Gallery  movies can be unlocked by encountering certain monsters,
as well as doing certain things in the game.

     The  intro  movies  are  the  cutscenes  you  will  see  when you
encounter a monster for the first time.

Kirin intro:             Encounter Kirin at the mountain area. 
Lao shan lung intro:     Do the lao shan lung quest requested
                         by the legendary blacksmith.
Oonazuchi intro:         Encounter Oonazuchi 
                         at the forest & hills area.
Teo teskatoru intro:     Encounter Teo teskatoru at the volcano.

Gallery special trailers
     These gallery movies are unlocked by completing 
the following task.

Alternate intro movie:     Kill Nana teskatory at the tower. 
                           (the final red bubble) 
Game credits:              Kill Nana teskatory at the tower. 
                           (the final red bubble) 
Promotional trailer:       Kill Nana teskatory at the tower. 
                           (the final red bubble) 
The singing women trailer: Kill Nana teskatory at the tower. 
                           (the final red bubble) 

Monster ecology movies
     These ecology movies are unlocked by slaying 
the following monsters.

Babakonga ecology:         Slay 1 Babakonga 
Kusharudaora ecology:      Slay the kusharudaora at the Mountain 
                           area after completing the kusharudaora
                           red bubbles from the purple dress lady. 
Zazami ecology:            Kill the zazami in the desert crab 
                           urgent quest. 

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Автор: Gmuir
Игра Monster Hunter 2 просто великолепна, неплохая музыка и хороший динамизм. В отличие от первой части, есть дополнительные задания и побочные квесты, единственное нарекание - это отсутствие перевода, порой хочется головой об стенку биться пытаясь понять где брать ту или иную вещь.

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