

Cheat List (PAL) 
NOTE: Works only on the PAL version of the game. 

     While  on  the  New  game/Load  game/Option  screen, hold all the
shoulder  buttons  for five seconds and you will call up a cheat menu.
To  spell  the letters on a line, simply hold X while pressing LEFT or
RIGHT.  Pressing  LEFT  or  RIGHT  without holding X will allow you to
select the letter on the line.

Invulnerability         DEMONISE 
Unlock Solum            SNOWFLIGHT 
Unlock Aquis            CHARYBDIS 
Unlock Aetha            FLINTLOCK 
Unlock Volca            SUNSTONE 
Unlock Tarot Gallery    ARCANUM 
Easy Kills              MORTIFIC 
Unlock Bonus A          SEABREEZE 
Unlock Bonus B          AURORA 
Unlock Bonus C          PSYCHOSIS 
Unlock Bonus D          MIRRORY 
Unlock Bonus E          ASCENDANT 

NOTE: Bonus E unlocks Bonuses A to D. 

God Mode Cheat 
     If  you  get  tired  of having Jen turn into a thirty day special
(i.e.,  die), press START once to go to the New Game/Load Game/Options
screen.  Hold  L1  + L2 + R1 + R2 for five full seconds to call up the
cheat box.

     To  input  cheats, you need to highlight a cheat line and hold X.
Press  LEFT  or  RIGHT  to  cycle  the letters. Pressing LEFT or RIGHT
without  holding  X  will  select  the  next or previous letter. Press
SQUARE  to  activate  the cheat, then press TRIANGLE to exit the cheat

     Input MONSTROUS on the Invulnerability line. This prohibits Jen's
energy meters from ever depleting, you wuss.

Unlock 16Volt Interview 
     Finish the realm of Aetha to unlock the 16Volt Interview.
Unlock Actors Featurette 
     Finish the realm of Solum to unlock the Actors Featurette.
Unlock All Movies Cheat 
     Press  START once to go to the New Game/Load Game/Options screen.
Hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 for five full seconds to call up the cheat box.

     To  input  cheats, you need to highlight a cheat line and hold X.
Press  LEFT  or  RIGHT  to  cycle  the letters. Pressing LEFT or RIGHT
without  holding  X  will  select  the  next or previous letter. Press
SQUARE  to  activate  the cheat, then press TRIANGLE to exit the cheat

     Input  OBLIVION  on the Bonus E line. This unlocks all movies and
makes  the  lines  Bonus A through D useless (they unlock the previous
four movies).

Unlock Concept Art 
     To   unlock  concept  art,  collect  the  tarot  cards  scattered
throughout the game world.
Unlock Making Of Movie 
     Finish the realm of Aquis to unlock the "Making of" movie.
Unlock Trailer Video 
     Finish the realm of Volca to unlock the Trailer Video.

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