
Shield, The

Bonus Unlockables
     SPOILERS  -  Some bonuses are unlocked based on the decisions you
make during gameplay. Do not read this list if you do not want to read
any spoilers.

Unlockable:     How to Unlock

Bonus #1        Complete optional objective to take suspect 
                to Claudette's desk after talking to Julien 
                on your second visit to the Barn.

Bonus #2        Complete optional objective to find Carl's hidden stash 
                (on the pile of clothes in the corner of his bedroom) 
                on your first visit to Carl's apartment.

Bonus #3        Complete optional objective to return runaway suspect 
                to Danny when you visit Lago apartments after arresting 
                Ruben Diaz.

Bonus #4        Complete optional objective to arrest the two drug 
                dealers after unlocking bonus #3.

Bonus #5        Complete optional objective of escorting Jed to Danny 
                after interrogating him to find out where Antwon 
                Watts is.

Bonus #6        Complete optional objective to arrest the 3 punks 
                robbing Jed's apartment after unlocking bonus #5.

Bonus #7        Complete optional objective to find stolen police issue 
                shotgun whilst searching tenement building.

Bonus #8        Complete optional objective to find 6 crack cocaine 
                stashes whilst searching tenement building.

Bonus #9        Complete optional objective to recover surveillance tape 
                from Stone's pawn shop.

Bonus #10       Complete optional objective to find 4 pieces of 
                additional evidence against the Armenian Might whilst 
                searching the room containing the MP5s.

Bonus #11       Complete optional objective to rescue the hostage whilst 
                searching the Sierra Hotel for Hagop.

Bonus #12       Take bribe from Hagop at end game choice.

Bonus #13       Arrest Hagop at end game choice.

Bonus #14       Kill Hagop at end game choice.

Bonus #15       Arrest a large number of suspects on Normal or Hard difficulty.

Bonus #16       I don't know - if anybody else does please tell me.

Bonus #17       When in the tenement building beat up the unarmed junkie 
                found after the crawlspace using only your fists. 
                This is done on Normal or Hard difficulty.

Bonus #18       Keep putting coins into the machines found 
                at Harry Palm's porn shop. This only seems to work 
                on Hard difficulty and may not work on your first visit.

Bonus #19       Successfully search a large number of possible contraband 
                hiding places (cupboards, drawers, etc.). 
                This is done on Normal or Hard difficulty.

Bonus #20       Successfully search a large number of suspects 
                (alive or dead). This is done on Normal 
                or Hard difficulty.

Bonus #21, 
#22, #23, #24 
and #25         Beat the game on any difficulty to unlock bonus #23, #24 
                and #25. Beat the game on Hard to unlock the others 
                as well. Ending does not seem to matter. 

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