
Sims 2, The

Cheat Gnome:
     Press  L1, R1, Up, X, R2 during game play. The Cheat Gnome (Plumb
Bob  Trophy)  will  now appear on the lots and the following codes may
now be enabled.

9,999 Simoleons:
     Enable  the  Cheat Gnome code, then press R1, L1, R2, Right, Left
during  game  play. Select the Cheat Gnome, then Interaction/Location:
Give Simoleons.

Full motives:
     Enable the Cheat Gnome code, then press Up, Circle, Up, Right, L2
during  game play. Select the Cheat Gnome to access the option to fill
all motives.

All lots unlocked:
     Enable the Cheat Gnome code, then press Circle, L2, Left, Circle,
Up,   Circle   during   game   play.  Select  the  Cheat  Gnome,  then
Interaction/Location: Unlock/Unlock All Locations.

Advance time by 6 hours:
     Enable  the  Cheat Gnome code, then press Circle, Square, L1, Up,
Down    during    game    play.   Select   the   Cheat   Gnome,   then
Interaction/Location: Advance 6 Hours.

Set Skill level:
     Enable the Cheat Gnome code, then press Triangle, Circle, Square,
R2,   Left   during   game   play.   Select   the  Cheat  Gnome,  then
Interaction/Location: Change Skill - /Change to .

All objects unlocked:
     Enable  the  Cheat Gnome code, then press L2, Circle, Down, Left,
Up during game play.

All recipes unlocked:
     Enable  the  Cheat  Gnome  code, then press R2, Square, Up, Down,
Right, X during game play.

All fashions unlocked:
     Enable  the Cheat Gnome code, then press Square, R2, Down, Right,
Square during game play.

Audio track:
     Enable  the Cheat Gnome code, then press R1, L1, R1, L1, Triangle
during game play.

Development team picture:
     Press  Right, Down, Right, Down, Right at the title screen. Note:
The  cheat  gnome  is  not  required  for  this code. A Sim voice will
confirm correct code entry.

Sims 2

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Отзывы посетителей об игре (1)

Автор: Black Dragon
Очень хорошая игра и коды, дающие большие деньги. Плюсы:
  1. Хорошая графика
  2. Правдоподобный сюжет
  3. Приятное ощущение
  1. Играешь только на своем участке
  2. Ограниченное количество приобретаемых предметов

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