
A.C.E.: Another Century's Episode R

Unlockable Units
How to unlock secret units in the game.
At the start of your 7th playthrough.
Crossbone Gundam X-1 Full Cloth
At the start of your 12th playthrough.
Guren Mk-II
At the start of your 5th playthrough.
Hi-Nu Gundam & Crossbone Gundam X-1
At the start of your 10th playthrough.
Koing Monster
After you encounter her in story mode on the 4th playthrough.
Lancelot & Lancelot Air Calvary
At the start of your 9th playthrough.
Nu Gundam
At the start of your 2nd playthrough.
Sousuke's M9
At the start of your 3rd playthrough.
VF-0S & Armored Klan
At the start of your 11th playthrough.
At the start of your 8th playthrough.
Z-3 White Unicorn Custom
At the start of your 6th playthrough or Pre-Order code.
Extra Hard Difficulty
Complete any route on Hard difficulty
Extra Missions
Extra missions are all on easy, and are graded by time elapsed. No upgrades are carried over, on either unit or pilot.
Hyaku Shiki: Challenge Fight Hambrabis in the Space Elevator - being hit by the automatic defenses is an instant death
Beat the game once, and play the Zeta Route to at least stage 5
Series Rush: Fight almost all enemies and bosses from all included series one after another
Beat the game once and Continue into a new game

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