
Alone in the Dark: Inferno

Infinite Ammo Cheat
     Enter  the  following  code  (combination  of  Action-Buttons and
D-Pad)  in  the  game, when in 3rd person view and without anything in
the  hands.  Entering  the  same code again, will disable the Infinite
Ammo Cheat.

[X][Circle][Up][Left][Down][Right]: Infinite Ammo Enabled

     Complete  each  condition to get the allotted Trophies. There are
43 Bronze Trophies, 3 Silver Trophies, 3 Gold Trophies, and 1 Platinum

100% Complete (Platinum):          Unlock the platinum trophy by 
                                   unlocking all other trophies.

A Day in Central Park (Gold):      Complete the game.

Basic Combination (Bronze):        Tape up a bottle.

BLACKOUT (Bronze):                 Finish the episode without skipping 
                                   any sequence.

Blazing Roots (Gold):              Burn all roots of evil.

Bloody Mary (Bronze):              Bandage 5 deep bleeding wounds.

Burning Root (Bronze):             Burn a root of evil.

Car Thievery (Bronze):             Unlock a car door after breaking 
                                   the window.

Cockpit Addict (Silver):           Drive all the way down 59th street 
                                   in Cockpit view.

Cocoon (Bronze):                   Burn a cocoon.

Countdown to Death (Bronze):       Stop your wound from bleeding.

Demolition Expert (Bronze):        Build the most destructive weapon.

Eradication (Gold):                Kill 100 Humanz.

FIGHT BACK AND LOSS (Bronze):      Finish the episode without skipping 
                                   any sequence.

Fire Bullets (Bronze):             Make a fire bullet by pouring flammable 
                                   liquid on it.

Fisherman's Foe (Bronze):          Shoot a goldfish.

Fissure (Bronze):                  Burn a fissure.

Flaming Roots (Silver):            Burn half of the roots of evil.

Free Gasoline (Bronze):            Pierce a car gas tank 
                                   and fill a bottle with the fuel.

Goal! (Bronze):                    Kick 10 Ratz.

Handyman Carnby (Silver):          Make all possible combinations 
                                   in the inventory.

Hidden Cave (Bronze):              Discover the secret of Central Park.

Meet Again (Bronze):               Meet Theophile in room 943.

Never Leave a Key Here (Bronze):   Find a car key in the sun visor.

NOT ALONE ANYMORE (Bronze):        Finish the episode without skipping 
                                   any sequence.

Nuke (Bronze):                     Kill 3 Humanz at once.

PAINFUL ANSWERS (Bronze):          Finish the episode without skipping 
                                   any sequence.

Purification by Fire (Bronze):     Destroy the Vampirz' nest.

QUESTIONS (Bronze):                Finish the episode without skipping 
                                   any sequence.

Revive (Bronze):                   Revive Sarah.

Stuntman (Bronze):                 Jump across the gap using the tow truck.

The 10 Mile Race (Bronze):         Drive at least 10 miles with a vehicle.

The Air Bomb (Bronze):             Throw a bottle filled with flammable 
                                   liquid and shoot it mid-air.

The Biggest of All (Bronze):       Beat the Museum Monster.

The Blind Man (Bronze):            Finish the 'Wake Up' sequence without 

The Glowstick Bomb (Bronze):       Combine a taped bottle filled 
                                   with flammable content 
                                   or a spray with a glowstick.

THE LIGHT BRINGER (Bronze):        Finish the episode without skipping 
                                   any sequence.

The Molotov Cocktail (Bronze):     Insert a wick into a bottle 
                                   with flammable content.

The Path of Darkness (Bronze):     Kill Sarah.

THE PATH OF LIGHT (Bronze):        Finish the episode without skipping 
                                   any sequence.

The Path of Light (Bronze):        Don't Kill Sarah.

The Sharpshooter (Bronze):         Finish off a Humanz by shooting 
                                   fire bullets at it's fissure.

The Smart Fighter (Bronze):        Kill any Humanz 
                                   with the 'spray + lighter' combination.

The Sticky Bomb (Bronze):          Take a bottle filled with flammable 
                                   content or a spray and combine it 
                                   with an adhesive.

THE TRUTH (Bronze):                Finish the episode without skipping 
                                   any sequence.

Toasted Eggs (Bronze):             Burn a Ratz nest.

Unlimited Offer (Bronze):          Call all contacts in your address book.

Useless! (Bronze):                 Combine an empty taped bottle 
                                   with a wick and an emergency flare.

Vampirz (Bronze):                  Burn one of the Vampirz.

Wired (Bronze):                    Hotwire a car.

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Страница: Читы на Alone in the Dark: Inferno для Playstation 3

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