
Bejeweled 2

Cheat Code
     Enter these codes to change the look of the game while playing.

     Toggle gem sprites to and from classic style 
("oldskool" style from PC game): [L1]+[L2]+[R1]+[R2]+[X]

     Toggle the visibility of the game borders: [L1]+[L2]+[R1]+[R2]+[O]

     Complete  each requirement to get the specified Trophy. There are
7 Bronze Trophies, 4 Silver Trophies and 1 Gold Trophy.

100k Club (Bronze):            Score 100,000 in Action Mode or Classic Mode

Action Hero (Bronze):          Complete Level 5 in Action Mode

Casual Carat (Bronze):         Complete Level 10 in Endless Mode

Classic Rock (Bronze):         Complete Level 5 in Classic Mode

Detonator (Bronze):            Destroy 12 gems in a single move

Diamonds are Forever (Bronze): Make 3 blue matches in a row

Dimensional Rift (Silver):     Have 5 Hypercubes on the game board

Hypercube Hoarder (Silver):    Create 50 Hypercubes

Jewel Keeper (Bronze):         Clear 5,000 gems

Powermad (Silver):             Create 200 Power Gems

Puzzlemaster (Gold):           Complete Puzzle Mode

Six Shooter (Silver):          Get a 6x Cascade

Play Different Game Modes
     All modes are available from the mode select screen once unlocked
by selecting "Change to Mystery Modes", with the exception of Original

Cognito Mode: Complete Puzzle Mode.

Finity Mode: Complete Level 10 in Endless Mode.

Hyper Mode: Complete Level 5 in Action Mode.

Original Mode: When on the regular mode selection screen, rotate the left 
analog stick clockwise multiple times to start a game in Original Mode.

Twilight Mode: Complete Level 5 in Classic Mode. 

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