
Burn, Zombie, Burn!

Complete each condition to get the allotted Trophies. There are 13 Bronze Trophies, 1 Silver Trophy, and 1 Gold Trophy.
Brain Surgery (Bronze)
100 Brains sucked.
d6 Admires You (Bronze)
All Gold medals.
d6 Commends You (Bronze)
All Bronze medals.
d6 Respects You (Bronze)
All Silver medals.
Dynami-Te-He (Bronze)
1000 Zombies blown up.
Extinction (Bronze)
100,000 Zombies killed.
Friend of Bruce (Silver)
All levels unlocked.
Friend of d6 (Gold)
All Developer medals.
Graduation (Bronze)
Complete Zombie Academy.
Hot To Trot (Bronze)
Last 30 seconds with 50+ zombies on fire.
Murder On The Dance Floor (Bronze)
1000 Zombies sent dancing.
Paint The Town Red (Bronze)
Fill the screen with the maximum amount of blood on any level.
Red Shirt (Bronze)
Kill the away team Zombie.
Texas Style (Bronze)
100 Chainsaw Combos.
Tourist (Bronze)
All Arcade levels unlocked.
In Space DLC Trophies
Complete a requirement to receive a Trophy. There are 2 Bronze Trophies and 2 Silver Trophies.
Extreme Survivor (Silver)
Survive 5 minutes with one life in Survival mode on Extreme difficulty on either Engine Room or Mothership Bridge.
No Time To Bleed (Bronze)
Get 100 Gatling Gun combos on the Engine Room
Top Ten (Silver)
Beat ten of your friends in any leaderboard on either the Engine Room or Mothership Bridge.
Transporter Accident (Bronze)
Transport 1000 Zombies off the Mothership Bridge.
Zombie Sushi DLC Trophies
Complete a requirement to receive a Trophy. There are 2 Bronze Trophies and 2 Silver Trophies.
1.21 Jigawatts (Bronze)
Electrify 1000 Zombies on the Shrine.
Extreme Survivor (Silver)
Survive for 5 minutes with one life in Survival mode on Extreme difficulty on either the Shrine or Castle.
This Is My Boomstick (Bronze)
100 Shotgun combos on either the Shrine or Castle.
Top Ten (Silver)
Beat ten of your friends in any leaderboard on either the Shrine or Castle.

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