
Cabela's Big Game Hunter 2012

There are 10 Bronze Trophies, 16 Silver Trophies, 4 Gold Trophies, and 1 Platinum Trophy.
Adrenaline Seeker (Silver)
a trophy animal while it's alerted and running away.
Anatomy Saved My Life (Bronze)
Win 10 skillshots in Story.
Archer (Bronze)
Hunt a bird using the Compound Bow.
Become a Legend (Gold)
Finish Story Mode.
Bow Master (Silver)
Hunt 15 big game trophies while using the Compound Bow.
Bushman (Bronze)
Spend one continuous minute fully covered by vegetation.
Clean! (Silver)
Hunt at least 75% of male animals in any single player Arcade Shooting Gallery.
Close and Personal (Silver)
Shoot any big game from less than 15 yards.
Deadeye (Silver)
Win any single player Shooting Gallery while not missing a shot and scoring 20000 or more.
Demolition Expert (Bronze)
Shoot 10 exploding cans in single player Target Shooting Galleries.
Detective (Bronze)
Spend 15 minutes total in detection mode.
Devarminator (Silver)
Hunt 200 small game land animals in Story.
Good Reflexes! (Bronze)
Hunt 10 Target of Opportunity animals.
Gun Master (Gold)
Finish every Story map using only the Trophy Gun and the Compound Bow.
Gun Slinger (Silver)
Shoot 10 trophy animals while using the Trophy Gun.
Heartbreaker (Silver)
Hunt 10 big game trophies by shooting them through the heart.
Hungry for Fame (Silver)
Upload 20 pictures.
Hunting for Money (Gold)
Earn more than $50,000 in Story
Hunting The Hunters (Bronze)
Shoot 10 predators during a single player Arcade Shooting Gallery.
King of Reflexes (Silver)
Win any 1 Player Reflex Shooting Gallery hunting all animals in the correct order.
Let Them Fall (Silver)
100 birds in single player Shooting Galleries.
Lucky Luke (Silver)
Hunt an animal from at least 40 yards without using your scope or sights.
Paparazzi (Bronze)
Take 30 pictures in Story.
Pimp My Gun (Gold)
Unlock and fully upgrade all the firearms.
Platinum trophy (Platinum)
Unlock all other trophies.
Pump It Up (Silver)
Hunt 300 birds with the Shotgun in Story
Secret Seeker (Silver)
Find 7 hidden locations in Story.
Shadow (Silver)
Finish any location in Story without alerting any trophy animal.
Skill Or Luck? (Silver)
Hunt any trophy with one shot over 280 yards.
Spoorer (Bronze)
Find 20 tracks in Story.
True Hero (Bronze)
In any 1 Player Arcade Shooting Gallery make your Hunter Award reach five stars.

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