
Enchanted Arms

Easy money:
     When  you  need  a  lot  of TB (money), go to the casino and play
roulette.  Bet  on  one  number  to  win  36,000 tokens. When you make
200,000  tokens,  keep  buying the God Ambrosia in the casino shop for
400  TB  (3,600  TB  for nine). Then, go to the real shop and sell all
nine  for  21,600  TB.  200,000  tokens  will allow you to gain over 1
million  TB. This will be useful after Phase 5 (Chapter 26 if you have
the guidebook).

Easy tokens:
     To  get easy tokens, go to the casino and play the roulette game.
You  will  have to make multiple bets. First, bet your 1,000 tokens on
one  number  (preferably one that you are able to bet on all sides and
corners).  Then, bet on the four lines of that number and the corners.
Next,  bet  on  the  column and the row; also the color and the number
(even  or odd). Finally, bet on the half of the board that number lies
on.  If  the wheel stops on the number you will get the maximum amount
of tokens you are able to win on one spin of the roulette wheel. 

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