
Judge Dee: The City God Case

There are 8 Bronze Trophies and 7 Silver Trophies.
Crafty magistrate (Silver)
A little bit of cunning can sometimes make it unnecessary to use force...
Enlightened magistrate (Bronze)
The most hidden truths always come out in the open!
Gallant investigator (Bronze)
Offering a flower... is a poem per se.
Generous magistrate (Silver)
Is it not said that to be generous is to be great?
Handicraft expert (Silver)
An imperial judge can also be good with his hands!
Imperial doctor (Silver)
Your reputation as a healer will soon reach the imperial court...
Imperial prosecutor (Bronze)
A judge must sometimes be harsh to bring out the truth.
Information expert (Bronze)
Collecting written evidence to reconstruct a story is certainly a good thing...
Interrogation expert (Silver)
You interrogate systematically... Everyone gives you information!
Master of secrets (Silver)
You have discovered another hidden room... Now you must find out its secret!
Master of truth (Silver)
Truth can be strange at times... Men's motives also...
Poison expert (Bronze)
Your mastery of the medical arts has helped you to immediately identify this poison!
Psychology expert (Bronze)
You interrogate with finesse and get valuable information.
Secret passages expert (Bronze)
A small mouse has helped you to solve a great mystery...
Wise investigator (Bronze)
Even during tragic moments, a systematic search is sometimes necessary...

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