
Katamari Forever

Complete each requirement to get the specified Trophy. There are 20 Bronze Trophies, 6 Silver Trophies, 6 Gold Trophies and 1 Platinum Trophy.
Back Then (Gold)
You’ve cleared all the stages with “Back Then Katamari Damacy”.
Big Katamari (Bronze)
Create a Katamari which is over 500m.
Big, Big Katamari (Bronze)
Create a Katamari which is over 10,000km.
Big, Big, Big Katamari (Silver)
Create a Katamari which is over 2,000,000km.
Collector (Gold)
You’ve collected all of the Presents.
Congratulations (Gold)
You’ve cleared all the stages with “New Katamari Damacy”.
Cousin Mania (Gold)
You’ve collected all of the Cousins.
Creator (Silver)
Make over 200 Katamaris.
D-d-d-d-d–dash (Bronze)
Complete a stage using “Oji Dash” only 6 times.
Destroyer (Silver)
Throw at least 50 Katamaris away.
Falcon (Gold)
You’ve cleared all stages with “Katamari Drive”.
Fashionable (Bronze)
Collect over 30 varities of Presents.
Film Fan (Bronze)
Watched over 5 films in Film Mode, without skipping.
First Katamari (Bronze)
You have completed the first stage.
First Star Of Rubbish (Bronze)
You have thrown away your first Katamari Star.
Forever a Traveller (Silver)
Beat all of Eternal.
Good Friends (Bronze)
Play over 30 stages in Coop or Battle mode.
H-h-h-h-h-h-hopping (Bronze)
Complete a stage using “Oji Hop” only 7 times.
Katamari (Platinum)
Collect all of the trophies
Left the Atmosphere (Silver)
Obtain over 50,000 points during the Ending Minigame.
Lonely (Bronze)
Complete 50 stages in a row in any mode apart from Coop or Battle.
Love Ranking (Bronze)
Check the Net Ranking over 5 times.
Love Rolling (Bronze)
During one stage, Roll over more than 7650 “things”.
Master Of Ruining (Bronze)
During one stage, clear the stage while breaking your Katamari over 50 times.
Mini Gamer (Bronze)
Play all of the Mini Games.
Oshioki Master (Silver)
Obtain over 50,000 points in the Oshioki Minigame.
Oshioki Regular Customer (Bronze)
Recieve Oshioki more than 50 times.
Photographer (Bronze)
In the Photograph Hall, Check a photo you have taken.
Superb Collector (Bronze)
Obtain over 80% of the Superb Collection.
Superb Listener (Bronze)
Play over 5 songs in the Sound Mode.
T-t-t-t-turn (Bronze)
Complete a stage using “Oji Turn” only 5 times.
Thinking Of Cousins (Bronze)
Collect over 30 of the Cousins.
Walking Dictionary (Gold)
You’ve got 100% in the Superb Collection.
Katamari Drive
Play the missions in a high speed katamari with shorter time limits.
Katamari Drive
Complete the game once and see the ending.
Level Graphics Filter Selection
There are different graphical filters available for each stage, such as Comic Book, Wood, etc. However, you won't be able to change filters when you first play a given level. Once you've beaten the level, you'll be able to change the filters whenever you replay it. However, this works only for that particular gameplay mode; while you might have unlocked it for Katamari Forever version of the level, you'll have to do so again for the Katamari Drive, Eternal, and Classic Modes.
Level Graphics Filter Selection
Complete a level.
Level Music Selection
When you first play a level, you won't have the option to change its music. But once you've beaten the level, you'll be able to change the music whenever you replay it. However, this works only for that particular gameplay mode; while you might have unlocked it for Katamari Forever version of the level, you'll have to do so again for the Katamari Drive, Eternal, and Classic Modes.
Level Music Selection
Complete a level.
Aside from the regular story modes, you can unlock extra mini-games by completing enough levels and other tasks. After you've unlocked one, you'll be able to access it via the Mini-Games list in the Katamari Collection menu.
Beautiful Katamari (Hard)
Complete Katamari Drive Mode
Beautiful Katamari (Normal)
Complete Katamari Drive Mode
Katamari Forever Ending Credits
Beat the game
We Love Katamari
Complete all requests in all game modes.

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