
Last of Us, The

Complete each requirement to get the specified trophy. There are 7 Bronze trophies, 9 Silver trophies, 7 Gold trophies and 1 Platinum trophy.
Endure and Survive (Bronze)
Collect all comics
Everything we've been through (Silver)
Fully upgrade Joel with supplements
Firefly (Gold)
Complete the Firefly Journey
For emergencies only (Gold)
Fully upgrade all weapons
Hunter (Gold)
Complete the Hunter Journey
I got this (Bronze)
Find all training manuals
I want to talk about it (Silver)
Engage in all optional conversations
It can't be for nothing (Platinum)
Platinum Trophy
It was all just lying there (Silver)
Find all artifacts
Knowing the Basics (Bronze)
Win a game of Supply Raid and Survivors in find match
Let's gear up (Bronze)
Craft every item
Look for the Light (Silver)
Find all Firefly Pendants
Master of Unlocking (Bronze)
Unlock all shiv doors
No Matter What - Easy (Bronze)
Complete the game on Easy
No Matter What - Hard (Silver)
Complete the game on Hard
No Matter What - Normal (Silver)
Complete the game on Normal
No Matter What - Survivor (Gold)
Complete the game on Survivor
Populace (Bronze)
Build your clan to 40 people in Factions
Scavenger (Gold)
Found all collectibles
That's all I got (secret) (Gold)
Survive all of Ellie's jokes
The Last of Us - Easy + (Silver)
Complete the game on Easy +
The Last of Us - Hard + (Silver)
Complete the game on Hard +
The Last of Us - Normal + (Silver)
Complete the game on Normal +
The Last of Us - Survivor + (Gold)
Complete the game on Survivor +
New Game +
Complete game on Survivor to unlock new game + for , survivor, hard, Normal and easy mode.
Easy +
Complete game on Easy or higher difficulty
Hard +
Complete game on Hard or higher difficulty
Normal +
Complete game on Normal or higher difficulty
Survivor +
Complete game on Survivor difficulty

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