
Legends of Wrestlemania

     Complete each condition to get the allotted Trophies. 
There are 2 Bronze Trophies, 10 Silver Trophies, 7 Gold Trophies, 
and 1 Platinum Trophy.

Chain Struggle (Silver):           Win using a Chain Struggle

Created a Legend (Bronze):         Make a Created Legend

Dive Attack (Silver):              Successfully perform a dive attack 
                                   from all four corners

First Medal (Silver):              Obtain a medal in WrestleMania Tour Mode

Grapplemania (Silver):             Win using only grapple attacks

Invincible Created Legend 
(Silver):                          Max out a Created Legend's attributes

King of Kings (Gold):              Defeat the Favorite Legends Tier 
                                   in Legend Killer Mode

Legend Killer (Silver):            Obtain a medal in Legend Killer Mode

Manager (Bronze):                  Win using a manager 
                                   in an Exhibition match

Medal Collector (Gold):            Obtain all of the medals 
                                   in WrestleMania Tour Mode

Memory Serves Me Well (Silver):    Complete any match without pausing 
                                   in the "Relive" section of WrestleMania 
                                   Tour Mode

New Legend (Silver):               Defeat 10 opponents with a Created 
                                   Legend in a single tier in Legend 
                                   Killer Mode

Platinum (Platinum):               Obtain all other Trophies

Royal Rumble Winner (Gold):        Win a 30-Man Royal Rumble

Super Fast Legend Killer (Gold):   Become a Legend Killer in Legend Killer 
                                   Mode in 30 minutes or less

Tag Chain Struggle (Silver):       Win using a Tag Chain Struggle

Technician (Silver):               Win by using five or more reversals 
                                   in a single match

True Legend Killer (Gold):         Obtain all of the medals 
                                   in Legend Killer Mode

WrestleMania Tour (Gold):          Clear all "Relive" matches 
                                   in WrestleMania Tour Mode

You're #1 (Gold):                  Have your Created Legend reach 
                                   the Top rank in Hall of Fame Mode

Unlockable Match Types
     Win matches in Wrestlemania Tour Mode to unlock match types.

Hell in a Cell:     Win two matches in Wrestlemania Tour Mode

Ironman match:      Win three matches in Wrestlemania Tour Mode

Steel Cage Match:   Win a match in Wrestlemania Tour Mode

Unlockable Attires
     Enter the following codes on the password screen on the main menu.
BrutusTheBarberShop!:         Unlocks Brutus Beefcake's alternate attire.

WithManagerJimmyHart:         Unlocks Jimmy Hart's alternate attire.

IronSheikCamelClutch:         Unlocks The Iron Sheik's alternate attire.

UnlockTheRockBottom!:         Unlocks The Rock's atlernate attire.

TheRoadWarriorAnimal:         Unlocks Animal's 2nd Costume.

HawkFromLegionOfDoom:         Unlocks Hawk's LOD 2000 Outfit.

TheBirdmanKokoBWare!:         Unlocks Koko B Ware's 2nd Costume.

CobraClutchSlaughter:         Unlocks Sgt. Slaughter's 2nd Costume.

ShawnsSweetChinMusic:         Unlocks Shawn Michael's 2nd Costume.

UndertakersTombstone:         Unlocks Undertaker's 2nd Costume.

Unlockable Animal Attire
     Complete Legend Tier 1 in Legend Killer Mode. 

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