
Lord of the Rings, The: Aragorn's Quest

There are 9 Bronze Trophies, 15 Silver Trophies, 5 Gold Trophies, and 1 Platinum Trophy.
A New Champion (Silver)
Defeat the Uruk champion without taking damage
A True King (Gold)
Game complete
Accomplished (Silver)
Acquire all the upgrades
Banker (Silver)
1000 silver coins acquired
Bow Selector (Silver)
Defeat 250 enemies with Bow
Child's Play (Silver)
Complete all the imaginary quests in the woods
Expert in Lore (Silver)
Collect all lore items
Fun Guy (Bronze)
Complete Button Mushroom quest
It Did Not Pass (Gold)
Defeat the Balrog
Meanderer (Gold)
Complete all the side quests
Middle-Earth Annihilation (Silver)
Defeat 2500 Enemies
Middle-Earth Extermination (Bronze)
Defeat 1000 Enemies
No Friend of Goblins (Bronze)
Defeat 100 Goblins
No Friend of Orcs (Bronze)
Defeat 100 Orcs
No Friend of Uruks (Bronze)
Defeat 100 Uruks
No More Trolling (Bronze)
Defeat your first Hill-Troll
Not By The Hand of Man (Silver)
Defeat the Witch-king
Oliphaunt Tamed! (Silver)
Defeat 8 Oliphaunts
Own Then All (Platinum)
All Trophies Collected
Pest Control (Bronze)
Complete Crow Hunting quest
Rule Them All (Silver)
Defeat Black Riders/Nazgul
Shoot the Messenger (Silver)
Defeat the Mouth of Sauron
Stall Owner (Silver)
All stalls 100% Complete
The Fellowship (Gold)
Collect all the Fellowship Tokens
The Key to the Shire (Gold)
Complete the Shire
Tree Hugger (Silver)
Defend the Ent
Which King? (Silver)
Defeat the Witch-king without taking damage
You Been Working Out? (Bronze)
Perform 5000 sword swipes
You got it! (Bronze)
Perform an Icon Strike
You've really got it (Silver)
5 consecutive Icon Strikes

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