
Magic: The Gathering - Duels of the Planeswalkers 2014

There are 13 Bronze Trophies, 1 Silver Trophy, and 1 Gold Trophy.
Acquire the Sliver Fossil (Bronze)
Defeat the "Sliver Hive" deck in campaign mode.
Burn Monster, Burn! (Bronze)
Lose the 'Angry Mob' encounter.
Chandra's Ally (Gold)
Defeat Ramaz.
Defeat Ramaz's Ally (Bronze)
Defeat the "Chant of Mul Daya" deck in campaign mode.
Flawless Victory (Bronze)
Win a game without losing any life.
In it to Win (Bronze)
Win 25 games.
Lord of Foriys (Bronze)
Win a Two-Headed Giant game.
Maestro of Sealed (Silver)
Complete the Sealed campaign.
Masterful Strategist (Bronze)
Win a Multiplayer game.
Recover the Scrying Shard (Bronze)
Defeat the "Enter the Dracomancer" deck in campaign mode.
Sealed the Deal (Bronze)
Win a Sealed game.
Secrets of the Dimir (Bronze)
Defeat the "Masks of the Dimir" deck in campaign mode.
Skilled Tactician (Bronze)
Solve a Challenge.
Spellbook Complete (Bronze)
Fully unlock one deck.
Worthy Adversary (Bronze)
Defeat the "Avacyn's Glory" deck in campaign mode.

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