
Mega Man 10

Complete each requirement to get the specified Trophy. There are 5 Bronze Trophies and 7 Silver Trophies.
Clear the game in under an hour.
Defeat 1000 enemies.
HARD ROCK (Silver)
Make it to a boss room without getting damaged.
Defeat the 8 bosses without your helmet on.
Clear the game without dying.
MR. PERFECT (Silver)
Clear the game without getting damaged.
Clear the game without using any energy, mystery, or weapon tanks.
Clear the game on HARD.
Clear the game without continuing.
Defeat the 8 bosses with just your default weapon.
WHOMP WILY! (Bronze)
Clear the game once.
Defeat one of every type of enemy.
Playstation Home T-Shirts
Play through the game to unlock T-Shirts for Playstation Home
Mega Man Shirt
Beat the game with Megaman
Proto Man Shirt
Beat the game with Protoman
Boss Challenges
Complete each task to unlock the corresponding Challenge.
Easy Boss challenges
Reach the Boss on the Easy difficulty.
Easy Mini Boss challenges
Reach the Mini Boss on the Easy or Normal difficulty.
Hard Boss challenges
Reach the Boss on the Hard difficulty.
Hard Mini Boss challenges
Reach the Mini Boss on the Hard difficulty.
Normal Boss challenges
Reach the Boss on the Normal difficulty.
Normal Mini Boss challenges
Reach the Mini Boss on the Normal difficulty.
Unlock Hard mode
To unlock Hard Mode, you must complete Normal Mode
Hard Mode
Complete Normal Mode

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