
Mini Ninjas

Complete each requirement to get the specified Trophy. There are 21 Bronze Trophies, 9 Silver Trophies, 5 Gold Trophies, and 1 Platinum Trophy.
Animal Friend (Gold)
Free all caged animals
Avalanche (Bronze)
Defeat an enemy as a snowball
Beat With Me (Bronze)
Defeat 10 enemies as the bear
Big Guy (Bronze)
Defeat a large one
Boardom (Bronze)
Defeat 10 enemies as the boar
Botanist (Silver)
Collect one of each ingredient
Bow Before Me (Bronze)
Defeat 50 enemies with the bow
Completist (Gold)
Collect all Jizo statues
Crash Landing (Silver)
Defeat Boss Screeching Owl
Don't Blame it on the Sunshine (Bronze)
Bring sunshine to all the denizens of the graveyard
Eat My Dust (Bronze)
Travel far in full gallop
Found Futo (Bronze)
Find Futo
Found Kunoichi (Bronze)
Find and free Kunoichi
Found Shun (Bronze)
Find and free Shun
Found Suzume (Bronze)
Find and free Suzume
Found Tora (Bronze)
Find and free Tora
Hard Little Ninja (Gold)
Complete game on hard difficulty
Little Ninja (Gold)
Complete game on easy or medium difficulty
Lost and Found (Silver)
Retrieve all five missing ninja
No Conjurer of Cheap Tricks (Bronze)
Expend 1500 Ki using Kuji magic
Now You See Me (Silver)
Defeat 100 enemies with stealth attack
Off the Richter Scale (Bronze)
Defeat Boss Lumbering Fool
Off You Go (Bronze)
Completed basic training
Pied Piper (Bronze)
Incite 50 enemies to dance
Congratulations, you have unlocked all trophies
Poker (Bronze)
Defeat 30 spearmen with the spear
Restore Balance (Silver)
Defeat the Evil Samurai Warlord
Sage of Philosophy (Silver)
Reach level cap
Sightseeing (Bronze)
Visit all temples
Silent Assas: Ninja (Gold)
Complete a level without being seen
Smell You Later (Bronze)
Defeat Boss Windy Pants
Smooth Sailing (Bronze)
Flawless Great River Canyon rafting
Stop! Futo Time! (Silver)
Use Futo in combat on all levels
Tengu Friend (Silver)
Complete all Wandering Tengu quests
Tree Hugger (Bronze)
Shake 15 trees
Tripped and Fell (Silver)
Defeat Boss Timid Swimmer

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