
PixelJunk Shooter 2

A Girl's Best Friend (Silver)
Get all the treasure from Episode 5 - not including a Perfect Rescue Bonus.
A Glint In Your Eye (Silver)
Get all the treasure from Episode 4 - not including a Perfect Rescue Bonus.
Acid Test (Bronze)
Test your strength by flying through a running stream of acid.
Diamond Finger (Silver)
Get all the treasure from Episode 6 - not including a Perfect Rescue Bonus.
Drop It Like It's Hot (Bronze)
Use a rock to defeat an enemy with the Hungry Suit.
Exodus Hominis (Gold)
Safely rescue all survivors - including the special survivors.
Ghost Buster (Bronze)
Dispel 5 or more Phantoms in one area with the Light Suit.
Just Add Water (Bronze)
Douse cellular fluid with water.
One Giant Leap (Bronze)
Advance to a higher league through Online Battle.
One Small Step (Bronze)
Purchase an item in Online Battle.
Thread the Needle (Bronze)
Defeat a Bullet Stormster.
Use the Centripetal Force! (Bronze)
Defeat an enemy using teh Super Spin.
You've Got to Know When to Hold 'em (Bronze)
Win an online battle you have bet on.
Find all hidden treasures
Find all the hidden treasures in every stage.
Earn extra money during online matches (win or lose)
Find all treasures
Stage: The Road to Dawn
Find all treasures

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