
Resident Evil 6

Mercenaries Characters
This is how to unlock the characters for the mercenaries game mode. Leon, Chris and Jake are unlocked by default.
Complete Ada's Campaign
Unlock all other characters costumes.
Finish Urban Chaos Map with a B rank or higher.
Finish Steel Beast Map with a B rank or higher.
Finish Mining the Depths map with a B rank or higher.
Mercenaries Maps
There are three different maps to play in the Mercenaries mode which can be unlocked by clearing specific campaigns. You can use either character to unlock these maps.
Mining the Depths
Clear Jake's Campaign on any difficulty
Steel Beast
Clear Chris's Campaign on any difficulty
Unlimited ammo
Complete all four story modes to allow you to buy unlimited ammo in skill settings.
Unlimited ammo
Complete all four story modes and then purchase under skill settings.
Ada Wong's Campaign
Beat all three campaigns (Leon, Chris, and Jake) to unlock this fourth campaign.
Hidden Dog Tag Title
Curious Fun
Complete the Resident Evil 5 campaign.
Curious Fan Title
Complete the Resident Evil 5 Campaign to unlock the "Curious Fan" title.
General stamina recovery (all players)
While aiming, perform a dodge maneuver that has the character grounded afterward. Continue to hold the aim button, and the stamina bar, if depleted, will quickly fill up back to normal.
Trophies: Onslaught DLC
There are 2 Bronze Trophies, 2 Silver Trophies, and 1 Gold Trophy.
Kill or Be Killed (Bronze)
Win while in the dying state.
Killer Combo (Silver)
Achieve a 30-combo chain.
Surrounded on All Sides (Gold)
Send 2,000 enemies to your opponent's map.
Take the Stage (Silver)
Defeat your opponent and achieve victory in 3 stages.
You Are S.O.L. (Bronze)
Defeat your opponent 10 times with enemies you sent.
Trophies: Predator DLC
There are 2 Bronze Trophies, 2 Silver Trophies, and 1 Gold Trophy.
Easy Pickings (Silver)
Eliminate all players as Ustanak in less than a minute.
Held Captive (Bronze)
Defeat Ustanak with only one Agent remaining.
Invincible (Silver)
Defeat Ustanak without anyone on your team being captured.
Not without a Fight (Gold)
Defeat Ustanak 20 times.
One Is Never Enough (Bronze)
As Ustanak, capture a total of 50 humans.
Trophies: Survivors DLC
There are 2 Bronze Trophies, 2 Silver Trophies, and 1 Gold Trophy.
Kung Fu Fighting (Silver)
Survive to the end only using physical attacks.
Last Man Standing--Again (Gold)
Win five times in a row.
Staying Alive (Bronze)
Return to the game as a human character.
Take 'Em All Down (Silver)
Defeat 100 agents.
Team Effort (Bronze)
Win without any members of your team being killed.

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