
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World

Various cheats
Enter at the title screen
Cheat code
Allow two players to select the same character
Down R1 Up L1 Triangle Circle
Begin level with Power of Love (sword from 7-2)
Square, Square, Square, X, Circle, X, Triangle, Triangle
Boss Rush
Right, Right, Circle, R1, Right, Right, Circle, R1
Changes coin sprites into animal sprites
Up, Up, Down, Down, Up, Up, Up, Up
Enables Blood Mode
X, Circle, X, Square, X, Circle Circle
Unlock Zombie Mode
Down, Up, Right, Down, Up, Right, Down, Up, Right, Right, Right
Hearts Appear when hitting Opponent
X, O, X, O, Square, X, O, O
Sacrifice Life for $50
While HOLDing L2+R2, Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, O, X
Skip Snowy Toronto
In the Snowy Toronto stage, fight your way to Hillcrest Park. Without killing the last enemy before you're allowed to move on, move over to the middle of the right side of the screen and hold up and right. You'll see your character slowly start to move off screen, after which you can dash blindly through the level with none of the enemies loaded. After the screen dips down and back up, hold up and right to make sure you enter the Subspace door at the end of the level. This is a great way to earn the Invulnerable trophy with very little effort.

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