
Spelunker HD

There is 34 bronze, 9 silver, 3 gold and 1 platinum
A Challenge To The Warriors Of The Deep (Bronze)
Entered into the rankings for the first time
Alone Among Ancient Ruins (Bronze)
Cleared Area 3 in Solo Excursion mode
Alone Among The Fossils Of Ancient Creatures (Bronze)
Cleared Area 5 in Solo Excursion mode
Alone In A Cave Of Glowing Moss (Bronze)
Cleared Area 6 in Solo Excursion mode
Alone In A Cave With A Stream (Bronze)
Cleared Area 2 in Solo Excursion mode
Alone In A Chamber With A Mysterious Pyramid (Silver)
Cleared Area 9 in Solo Excursion mode
Alone In A Mysterious Mining Facility (Silver)
Cleared Area 8 in Solo Excursion mode
Alone In A Scroching Cave Overflowing With Lava (Bronze)
Cleared Area 7 in Solo Excursion mode
Alone In An Excavation Site (Bronze)
Cleared Area 1 in Solo Excursion mode
Alone In The Lair Of A Mysterious Creature (Gold)
Cleared Area 10 in Solo Excursion mode
Alone Within The Frigid Walls Of The Icy Depths (Bronze)
Cleared Area 4 in Solo Excursion mode
Baby Spelunker (Bronze)
Cleared the tutorial
Beginner Spelunker (Bronze)
Reached a depth of 300m
Buddies Among Ancient Ruins (Bronze)
Cleared Area 3 in Group Excursion mode
Buddies Among The Fossils Of Ancient Creatures (Bronze)
Cleared Area 5 in Group Excursion mode
Buddies In A Cave Of Glowing Moss (Bronze)
Cleared Area 6 in Group Excursion mode
Buddies In A Cave With A Stream (Bronze)
Cleared Area 2 in Group Excursion mode
Buddies In A Chamber With A Mysterious Pyramid (Silver)
Cleared Area 9 in Group Excursion mode
Buddies In A Mysterious Mining Facility (Silver)
Cleared Area 8 in Group Excursion mode
Buddies In A Scorching Cave Overflowing With Lava (Bronze)
Cleared Area 7 in Group Excursion mode
Buddies In An Excavation Site (Bronze)
Cleared Area 1 in Group Excursion mode
Buddies In The Lair Of A Mysterious Creature (Gold)
Cleared Area 10 in Group Excursion mode
Buddies Within The Frigid Walls Of The Icy Depths (Bronze)
Cleared Area 4 in Group Excursion mode
Cave Enthusiast (Bronze)
Played Spelunker HD 50 times
Child Of The Caves (Bronze)
Played Spelunker HD 100 times
Courage In Numbers (Bronze)
Played in Group Excursion mode (online) for the first time
Elite Spelunker (Silver)
Reached a depth of 10,000m
Eminent Spelunker (Bronze)
Reached a depth of 1,000m
Eulogy For The Dark Spelunker (Silver)
Witness the death of the Dark Spelunker
Famous Treasure Hunter (Bronze)
Achieved a score of 50,000
Fastest Man In The Caves (Bronze)
Achieved 1st place in Group Competition mode (online)
First Steps Of A Spelunker (Bronze)
Cleared Stage 1 in Solo Excursion mode
Ghostbuster (Bronze)
Got rid of a ghost for the first time
Item Collector (Bronze)
Acquired 100 items
King Of Spelunkers (Platinum)
Aquired all trophies in Spelunker HD
Legendary Treasure Hunter (Silver)
Achieved a score of 100,000
Master Ghostbuster (Bronze)
Got rid of 100 ghosts
Picture Almost Complete (Silver)
Completed 75% of the picture
Picture Filling Up Nicely (Bronze)
Completed 25% of the picture
Picture Fragments (Bronze)
Acquired your first picture fragment
Picture Halfway There (Bronze)
Completed 50% of the picture
Picture Reveals Shocking Truth (Gold)
Completed the picture
Rescuers Down Below (Bronze)
Revived another Spelunker
Spelunker Of The Day (Bronze)
Aquired an MVP for the first time
Treasure Hunter (Bronze)
Achieved a score of 10,000
Underground Idol (Silver)
Played with 30 different players in Group Excursion mode (online)
Welcome To The Caves! (Bronze)
Played Spelunker HD for the first time
Trophies: Championship Mode Area 5 DLC
There are 2 Silver Trophies and 1 Gold Trophy.
Alone among the harmless twisted Fossils of Ancient Creatures (Silver)
Cleared EX area 5 in the Solo Excursion.
Buddies among the harmless twisted Fossils of Ancient Creatures (Silver)
Cleared EX area 5 in the Group Excursion.
Completed the harmless twisted Fossils of Ancient Creatures (Gold)
Completed EX area 5 mural.
Trophies: Championship Mode Area 6 DLC
There are 2 Silver Trophies and 1 Gold Trophy.
Alone in an awfully tough Cave of Glowing Moss (Silver)
Cleared EX area 6 in the Solo Excursion.
Buddies in an awfully tough Cave of Glowing Moss (Silver)
Cleared EX area 6 in the Group Excursion.
Completed an awfully tough Cave of Glowing Moss (Gold)
Completed EX area 6 mural.
Trophies: Championship Mode Area 7 DLC
There are 2 Silver Trophies and 1 Gold Trophy.
Alone in a somewhat Scorching Cave Overflowing with Lava (Silver)
Cleared EX area 7 in the Solo Excursion.
Buddies in a somewhat Scorching Cave Overflowing with Lava (Silver)
Cleared EX area 7 in the Group Excursion.
Completed a somewhat Scorching Cave Overflowing with Lava (Gold)
Completed EX area 7 mural.
Championship Area 9: Unforgiving Characters Trophies
Alone in a pretty unforgiving Chamber with a Mysterious Pyramid (Silver)
Cleared EX area 9 in the Solo Excursion.
Buddies in a pretty unforgiving Chamber with a Mysterious Pyramid (Silver)
Cleared EX area 9 in the Group Excursion.
Completed a pretty unforgiving Chamber with a Mysterious Pyramid (Gold)
Completed EX area 9 mural.
Trophies: Championship Mode Area 10 DLC
There are 2 Silver Trophies and 1 Gold Trophy.
Alone in the truly heinous Lair of a Mysterious Creature (Silver)
Cleared EX area 10 in the Solo Excursion.
Buddies in the truly heinous Lair of a Mysterious Creature (Silver)
Cleared EX area 10 in the Group Excursion.
Completed the truly heinous Lair of a Mysterious Creature (Gold)
Completed EX area 10 mural.

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